Trust Me - Sheryl Browne Page 0,55

live like a monk. He was a man, not some inexperienced kid hoping to lose his virginity, like the boys she’d dated previously. Her man. She didn’t know what the future held. She wanted to do her veterinary course. That had been her choice; her mum and dad weren’t pressuring her to go in any particular direction, though there was no doubt her dad was pleased, probably more so because Ben showed no inclination towards the sciences. Her mum was more concerned about her seeing through whatever it was she chose to do.

Millie wasn’t sure she wanted to study to be a veterinary nurse more than being with Louis, though. She loved him. Her hand strayed to his chest, her fingers tiptoeing downwards to trace the thin line of hair that disappeared below sheet level. She didn’t care that her parents would probably go apoplectic about his age. She wanted to be with him. She could do both, couldn’t she? Having a serious relationship didn’t mean she couldn’t apply herself to her studies. It would only make her more determined. She was doing all she could to help him pay off the man who was pressurising him for money; being dishonest, she reminded herself, a huge lump of guilt constricting her throat. Her parents would definitely freak out if they knew about that. Once she was earning money of her own, though, she could help out more, contribute to a place a bit more luxurious than the flat above the empty car workshop he was living in, which stank of oil. When the time was right, and when she’d plucked up the courage, she’d tell them that she intended to move in with him as soon as he asked her. She’d dropped subtle hints about it to him and was sure he would, now they were in a meaningful relationship.

‘Shit …’ She jumped as he moved suddenly to catch hold of her hand. ‘You almost gave me a heart attack.’

His mouth curved into a slow, suggestive smile. ‘That’s nothing to what you’re giving me, sweet cup.’ Nodding down to his groin area, he looked back at her with that same deep desire he’d had in his eyes when she’d arrived. ‘I want you,’ he said, his voice low and husky.

Tugging the sheet aside, he leaned over her, straddling her before she could stop him.

‘Not yet.’ She smiled nervously and pressed her hands to his chest.

A flicker of impatience in his eyes, he scanned her face questioningly.

‘I’m … a bit sore,’ she said, hoping he would understand. He’d had other relationships. Many. Of course he had, at his age. With his looks, he could have his pick of any woman he fancied, which was why she was keen to move in with him where she could keep an eye on him. Meanwhile, though, she desperately didn’t want to disappoint him.

‘I’ll be gentle,’ he promised, his mouth hungrily seeking hers.

‘I can’t.’ She used a little more force. ‘I … Oh fuck!’

‘What?’ Louis said, taken aback as she slithered hastily from underneath him. ‘You just woke me up. Why would you do that when I’ve been working since the crack of dawn unless you—’

‘I’m late.’ Millie flew around the room picking up her clothes and tugging them on. ‘I’m supposed to be going out for a meal with my mum.’

‘Yeah, right.’ Louis reached agitatedly to grab his smokes from the bedside table. ‘Give her my love.’

Millie frowned. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ He was always saying things like that: ‘Pass on my regards to her’ or ‘Give her my best’, which she couldn’t help thinking was sarcastic, as if he thought she was tied to her mum’s apron strings or something.

‘Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.’ Lighting up, he sighed and ran a hand through his tousled hair.

The pressing debt he had to pay, Millie guessed, to the man called Bear, who was as big as a bear and would rip his head off with his teeth if he didn’t meet his payments regularly.

‘Plus, I miss you when you’re not here, don’t I?’ he said, lying back on the bed. ‘Come over here and let me kiss those delicious lips of yours goodbye.’

Millie hesitated. She really did need to go.

‘I’ll sulk if you don’t.’ Giving her his best puppy-dog eyes, Louis stuck his bottom lip out. He looked like a petulant schoolboy. Millie laughed.

‘That’s better. You’re beautiful when you laugh,’ he said, his mouth curving into a languid Copyright 2016 - 2024