Trust in Me - Quinn Ward Page 0,38

how many baths Daddy gave me in the future, I wanted to commit every bit of this one to memory.

“You can sleep in the nursery if you’d prefer, but I’d love it if we could cuddle in the big bed and you slept next to me,” Daddy told me as he rubbed my skin dry. The thing I was learning to appreciate the most about him was that he didn’t demand more than he thought I was capable of, but he also pushed me outside my comfort zone. “No sex, but Daddy would love to hold you tonight and wake up next to you in the morning.”

“I like the way that sounds.” I wasn’t sure I’d have been able to stay in the bedroom he called the nursery, knowing he was just down the hall but not with me. “And I wouldn’t be opposed if you did want to do some sexy stuff.”

“Nope,” he responded firmly. “No matter how much you tempt me, nothing’s going to happen tonight. Even if I hadn’t told you we’d take that piece of our relationship slowly, you’re still under William’s protection. That means I want to talk to him and make sure he’s on board before we cross that line.”

“That’s not why he was helping me,” I protested. Sure, I’d heard of arrangements where a Dom had a say in a sub’s relationship with someone else, but it wasn’t what I’d anticipated for myself. But, at the same time, I sort of had because William was supposed to help me make sure I wasn’t getting in over my head. He’d promised to vet anyone I was interested in, even though we both knew Theron was the only Daddy I wanted, so I couldn’t exactly change the rules now. I flopped onto the bed, tossing my arms over my face. “Fine. Talk to William. Because that’s not embarrassing or anything.”

The bed dipped and Daddy laid down next to me, pulling me against his side. “He was trying to protect you. It’s not like he’s always going to be involved in our relationship, but I wouldn’t feel right doing anything like that without making sure he knows I’m serious about you. It’s a good thing that he cares so much.”

“I know, but I feel like a kid who needs permission from his brother to lose his virginity. I hate that,” I grumbled.

“I’ll talk to him this week if it makes you feel better.”

“But is it too soon for you?” I felt like I’d stepped into some sort of warp-speed dimension since I pulled up in front of Theron’s house this afternoon. Part of me was ready to make bold promises to him already, but I knew that was the frenzy of something new, more than my feelings for him.

“No baby, it’s not. I knew I wanted you to be mine the night the playroom opened,” he admitted. “That night, William warned me that I needed to be certain I could handle anything I learned about you, so I took time to think about what he was hinting at and decide if I would be able to deal with it. But then you told me what he hadn’t been willing to share and it drew me to you even more. Not because you’re something new or unique, but because I couldn’t deny how sexy I found you when you squared your shoulders, looked me in the eye, and practically challenged me to say something about you being trans.”

“But you didn’t,” I pointed out. I’d been so damn scared that night. He was the first person I’d put myself out there to since Anthony, and I was terrified history was about to repeat itself. It had been hard for me to believe how easily he’d accepted my truth. “You still wanted me.”

“I did, and those feelings have only grown since.”

I stretched, yawning as the day caught up with me. It was insane to think it wasn’t even eight hours ago that I was sitting in my bedroom, whining to Maverick about how I’d blown my chance with this amazing man.

“Let me get you tucked in, and I’ll go find us a bedtime story,” Daddy suggested. That sounded like the best way to spend our first night together. I scooted around until my back was against the headboard. I lifted up so Daddy could pull down the blankies. If I spent more nights at Daddy’s house, I wondered if he’d get me a stuffie to snuggle with because my Copyright 2016 - 2024