Trust in Me - Quinn Ward Page 0,37

it’s a lot to process. I’d convinced myself no one would want me because I’m not like other guys.”

Daddy turned off the clippers and set them on the counter before wrapping his arms around me. He kissed the side of my head and gently rocked me. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that, baby. I want to be happy, in a caveman way, that you haven’t been with anyone else, but I hate that you haven’t because you felt you could show them the real you.”

I hooked my feet behind Daddy’s back when he pressed his groin into mine. “Do you feel that? Even with everything I know about you and have seen, I still want you. Because you’re perfect. I’ll say it a million times a day if that’s what you need to believe me.”

I scooted back, feeling more confident about what he wanted to do. Daddy wanted me. He’d been pretty insistent that we weren’t going to have sex tonight, but if I kept reminding myself that it was because he wanted us to have time to ease into our dynamic, maybe I could be loud enough to silence my doubts. “I’m ready now, Daddy. Thank you.”

Daddy shaving me was a case of sensory overload. That was the reason I told myself when I started crying halfway through. There were so many thoughts and emotions going through my head. At one point, Daddy stopped, resting his hands on my thighs. I pressed my hand to the side of his face, combing my fingers through his hair. “Don’t stop. I love everything you’re doing. It tickles, but it feels good, too. I can’t wait to see when you’re finished.”

“I’m almost done,” he told me, leaning in like he was inspecting his handiwork. He quickly worked on a couple of areas, I assumed he felt weren’t clean enough, before turning off the clippers and setting it on the counter. The dry cloth he used to brush away the stray hairs abraded my sensitive skin.

That was a new feeling. Logically, I knew it wasn’t a huge difference, but even the air on my bare skin felt magnified. Daddy lifted me off the counter, spun me around, and held me as we stared into the mirror. “Well, what do you think?”

I stopped seconds before touching myself. “Can I feel it, Daddy?”

“You may.” He kissed the side of my head. “Thank you for asking permission. But you don’t get to come.”

“I know.” And I promptly forgot because, holy hell, that felt amazing. It shouldn’t be that different from before, but it was. Oh God, it was. Daddy pulled my hand away before gliding his fingers along my dick. “I love it, Daddy. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, baby. Now, let’s get you in the tub before the water gets cold.

With all the excitement, I’d completely forgotten that he’d already drawn my bath. It was a good thing that he’d remembered, otherwise we’d spend our time together sopping up water from all over the floor.

Daddy held my hand as I stepped into the tub, not letting go until I sat down and got settled. I grimaced because the water had already started to cool. Without me having to say a word, Daddy reached into the water and pulled the plug. Once some of the cooler water had drained, he added hot water until it was a comfortable temperature.

I didn’t play as much as I’d hoped to. Maybe next time. For now, I was all too aware of Daddy kneeling next to me. I sank deeper into the tub when he dipped a washcloth into the water and started cleaning me. The edge of the tub was sharp against the back of my neck, but I didn’t care, because I finally had a Daddy taking care of me and it was light years better than the scarred, cramped bathtub at my place.

“Sit up, baby. I need to wash your hair and then we’ll be done.” I closed my eyes as he massaged the shampoo into my unruly mop of dark hair. “Tip your head back.”

He used the sprayer to rinse all of the shampoo out of my hair before telling me to stand so he could rinse the bubbles from my skin. I stepped out of the tub when he held a towel open, wrapping it around my body so tightly I felt like a burrito. I sagged against his chest when he held me, closing my eyes to savor this moment. No matter Copyright 2016 - 2024