True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,5

with a fiancée and a baby on the way, I realize he would have been the exact wrong guy for me. I don’t want to get tied down.”

“Why not?”

“Didn’t we talk about this one time?”

Beth shook her head. “Not that I remember. Fi, does this sound familiar?”

“Sort of. I remember something about not getting married, but I didn’t think that meant never.”

Eva shrugged. “I just don’t see myself making that commitment. Aunt Sally was happy being single. She had boyfriends but didn’t live with or marry any of them. Josette seems perfectly fine on her own. Ed does, too. I think it’s the way to go.”

“I’ll be darned.” Beth gazed at her. “I thought for sure buying this place was a first step to finding Mister Right and filling the house with kids.”

“Nope. Aunt Sally didn’t feel that need. Miss Barton didn’t, either. And neither do I.”

Chapter Three

Nick’s T-shirt was damp with sweat as he and Rafe exited Ed’s indoor riding arena. Normally her arena served as a barrel-racing practice site for the Babes on Buckskins, a close-knit group of women that included Nick and Rafe’s boss, Henri Fox.

Tonight, it would be the scene of Apple Grove’s first-ever bachelor auction. Because the participants were all cowboys, they’d be showcased on horseback.

The building had A/C, but Nick had put effort into his riding during the run-through for tonight’s event. And—might as well admit it—he had a bad case of jitters. Rafe looked uneasy, too.

Ed came out with them, using the excuse that she needed some fresh air. Nick wasn’t fooled. She’d noticed he and Rafe had stage fright. They were in for a pep talk.

The area between the arena and Ed’s palatial ranch house bustled with activity connected to the Raptors Rise fundraising event—vendors and townspeople in a festive mix.

Ed surveyed the scene before turning to Nick and Rafe. “Forgive me for being blunt, but you boys seem uncomfortable with the bachelor auction concept.”

Nick heaved a sigh. “I want to help out, but you’re right. I’m nervous as hell.”

“I wasn’t nervous until that rehearsal,” Rafe said. “Leo and Garrett seemed fine with galloping around the arena, showing off. Teague and Logan, too. As for Ben, he’s always been cool. But I—”

“Don’t be fooled.” Ed shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans. “Ben’s a showman at heart, which is why the Choosy Moose has done so well over the years. Jared may be okay with it, too. But the others are just better at disguising their feelings than you are.”

“The thing is, we’re cowboys.” Nick took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. “Not performers.”

“That hits the nail on the head.” Rafe grimaced. “Then there’s the whole bidding thing. Like I’m a prize bull or stallion.”

Ed smiled. “Some men would love that comparison.”

“Not me.”

“The key is to relax and have fun with it. You boys aren’t used to being in the spotlight.”

Nick took a deep breath. “That’s for sure.”

“Every performer I know, including me, gets a touch of nerves as they wait for their cue. But when they get out there and the crowd is clapping and cheering, they’re fine. You will be, too.”

Rafe shook his head. “I seriously doubt that. Whose idea was this, anyway?”

Ed was a tall woman, but she still had to look up to make eye contact with Rafe, who stood six-six in his bare feet, six-eight in boots. “Ben suggested it.”

“Ben?” Nick frowned. “Why would he—”

“Henri.” Amusement danced in her eyes and she looked much younger than eighty-five. “Not just because of her. A bachelor auction’s a proven moneymaker. As a bonus, Henri will feel obligated to bid on him because Raptors Rise is her pet project. And he’ll finally get a date with her after all these years.”

“Yeah,” Nick said, “but not if somebody outbids her.”

Ed’s eyebrows rose. “Can you picture that happening? You do know Henri Fox, right?”

Rafe chuckled. “That’ll be fun to watch. Knowing this tickles me enough I might just get over myself and have a good time.”

“Yeah, me too.” Nick grinned. “Gotta hand it to Ben. Well-played.”

“I’m glad you both approve. Where are you off to now that the rehearsal’s over?”

Rafe glanced toward a spacious tent marked with a hanging wooden sign etched with someone’s signature. “I was planning to check out Quinn Sawyer’s scratchboard art. I heard he brought up his Birds of Prey collection.”

“Great idea. I didn’t get a chance check out his work when we went down to Eagles Nest for Seth’s wedding. Mind Copyright 2016 - 2024