True-Blue Cowboy - Vicki Lewis Thompson Page 0,4

Fiona before taking her first sip. “And I can’t wait to dive into this antipasto platter.” She set down her glass and helped herself to some provolone, olives and artichoke hearts. “Are you two still up for the Raptors Rise benefit on Saturday?”

“I am.” Fiona served herself. “I’ll close the shop at noon.” She glanced at Eva. “How about you?”

“We’re also closing at noon. I’ll need a few minutes to get ready, but I can meet you guys about twelve-thirty.”

“I was hoping you both were still going,” Beth said. “I can use the moral support.”

Eva had a bite halfway to her mouth and put it down again. “You’ve decided to bid on Jared?”

“Yep.” Beth took a hefty swallow of wine. “Might as well find out if he’s into me at all.”

Eva gazed at her friend. “Whenever I see you two together, he acts like he is.”

“Then why hasn’t he suggested going for a drink at the Moose after work? He almost always closes Logan’s Leather the same time as I lock up Racy Lace.”

“Hm.” Fiona gazed at her. “Why haven’t you asked him to go for drinks?”

She sighed. “I’m too chicken. If he said no, I’d still have to see him all the time. That would be awkward.”

Fiona took another helping of the antipasto. “But you’re not too chicken to bid on him at the auction?”

“That’s different. I’m helping him raise money for Raptors Rise. We’re doing our civic duty.”

Eva smiled. “So selfless. Where would he take you if you win?”

“To the re-opened drive-in movie theater.”


“I like the idea. It’s retro. Casual yet cozy. We’re not staring at each other over a table and wondering what to say. Even if he doesn’t ask me out after that, it won’t be so pointed. I just need to win the bid.”

“Don’t worry,” Fiona said. “We’ll cheer you on as you blithely empty your checking account.” She looked over at Eva. “Am I right?”

“Absolutely. I, on the other hand, don’t want to get carried away when I bid on Nick Le Grande.”

Beth’s eyebrows lifted. “Nick? Do you like him? I don’t remember you ever saying—”

“Of course I like him, but I don’t like him. I just want what he’s offering—twelve hours of manual labor. I don’t want to exceed my budget, though, so if I get bidding fever, hold me back.”

“Aha!” Fiona looked up at the ceiling. “This is all about that interesting stuff in the attic.”

“Bingo. And when he’s brought everything downstairs, I’ll send him out to the backyard to dig up rocks. When I mentioned that, he suggested using the rocks for a waterfall. I think he’s interested in helping me build it.”

Beth’s gaze grew speculative. “Considering the forecast for Saturday and your lack of A/C, he’ll probably have his shirt off by the time he’s digging up rocks and building a waterfall.”

“So what?”

“So what? Hey, you may not like him.” She made air quotes. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t take him a refreshing beverage if he’s working shirtless in your backyard.”

“I probably will, now that you mention it. But I’d do it to keep him hydrated, not so I can admire his muscles.”

Fiona reached over and patted her arm. “You’re missing the point. Nick has a nice body and likely worked hard to make it that way.”

“That may be true, but—”

“Trust me, he won’t be offended if you give him an admiring glance or two. He might be disappointed if you don’t.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. He won’t be disappointed because we don’t have that kind of relationship. We’re just friends.”

“Is that how he’ll see it if you bid on him? A bachelor auction has a sexy vibe.”

“Maybe for Beth and Jared, but not for me and Nick. He knows exactly why I’m doing it. We talked about it when he came in for a haircut today.”

“Okay, then.” Fiona shrugged. “Maybe the two of you will spend a sweaty day together and still be just good buddies at the end of it.” She glanced at Beth. “What do you think?”

Beth smiled at Eva. “I think I want a play-by-play on Monday morning. You’ve got your dream house. Now you need to find your dream man.”

“Nah, I don’t believe in that stuff.”

“What stuff?”

“You know.” Eva waved a hand in the air. “Someday my prince will show up, sweep me off my feet and we’ll live happily ever after.”

“I’m confused,” Beth said. “Weren’t you lusting after CJ a couple of months ago?”

“I was, but now that I see how happy he is Copyright 2016 - 2024