Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (Rock Bottom #3) - Holly Renee Page 0,52

girl I knew. It wasn’t the girl I had loved.

“I’ve been okay.” She looked at her feet, and I could feel her nerves rolling off of her. I had always been able to read her so easily.

“That’s good.” There was a long moment of awkward silence, and I wished she would use it as an excuse to walk away, but she didn’t.

Instead, she took a small step closer to me as if she wouldn’t dare let anyone else hear what she was about to say. “I’m sorry, you know? I’m really sorry.”

Hell, she may have been, but I still didn’t believe her. I didn’t think I would ever be able to believe the words that came out of her mouth again.

“How’s Brad?” I knew my words hurt her as soon as I said them, but I didn’t care. Despite the fact that everything between us happened years ago, I was still allowed to not give a shit.

“He’s okay.” Her voice was even softer now. “I would take it back if I could.” She stared up at me, and I could see the sincerity in her eyes. “I would take it all back.”

“But you can’t.” She couldn’t take any of it back. Not a second of it, and she had to live with the choices she made. We both did.

“I know.” She looked behind her like she was worried Brad would see her talking to me, and when she turned back toward me every bit of emotion she was just showing was locked down so tight it was easy to remember how I once had believed all her lies. “I just wanted you to know that I would.”

She took a step toward me, and for a quick moment, the urge to reach out to her was overwhelming. But that was nothing more than an old habit. I didn’t want Katie anymore, and the only person who flashed into my head at that moment was Brooke.

“I would give anything to have us back.”

I stared down at her, and I couldn’t believe she was saying this to me. After all this time, at the worst place possible.

“I’m with someone else.” I grabbed the two flutes of champagne the bartender set in front of me and started to walk away, but I could feel Katie right on my heels.

“I know about her.” Her words were soft, but they held their impact.

I turned around quickly, tucking the two of us out of sight from the rest of the wedding, and I could barely control my anger.

“You don’t know a thing about her.”

“Yes. I do.” She nodded her head, and I could see the fire in her eyes. “I know that you two aren’t really together. I know that you paid her to be here.”

I flinched as if she had hit me. I didn’t pay Brooke to be here. Not really. Did I offer her an opportunity she couldn’t refuse? Sure. But she wasn’t some prostitute like Katie made her sound.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, Katie.”

She reached out and grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away. “I overheard her talking about it, Liam. What would your mom think?”

“My mom isn’t going to find out.”

“She doesn’t have to.”

“Don’t fucking threaten me, Katie.” I took a step into her space. “Does Brad know you’re over here asking me for another chance? Does he know that you care as little about him as you did about me?”

“I loved you.” She genuinely seemed hurt by my words, but I had already spent too much time in my life worried about her and her feelings. She put her hand on my chest, and I stared down at where she was touching me.

“There you are.” I took a step back from Katie as soon as I heard Brooke’s voice. “Oh. I’m sorry.”

She stared at Katie but didn’t make eye contact with me as she quickly turned back in the direction she came from and walked away from us.

“Brooke.” She didn’t stop when I called out to her, and I couldn’t stand the idea of her thinking I was back here with Katie while she was waiting for me.

I took a step toward her. I didn’t give a shit what else Katie had to say. I walked away from her as easily as she had me all those years ago, and I rushed through the crowd to get to Brooke. I couldn’t stand the thought of her thinking I would ever choose Katie over her.

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