Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (Rock Bottom #3) - Holly Renee Page 0,51

don’t work out? Then what? You’ll have a building and I’ll be left with nothing.”

I winced as if she had slapped me. “You really think I would do that to you?”

“No.” She shook her head quickly, and I could tell that she regretted her words. “I just don’t want to end up with nothing.”

I cupped her cheek in my hand. “I wouldn’t do that.”

I could tell she wanted to trust me from the way she was looking at me, but I wasn’t asking for her to make a decision right now. That wasn’t fair.

Nothing I asked of her was.

I twirled her around again, and she smiled even though it didn’t meet her eyes.

“He accepted our offer.”

“What?” She leaned away from me slightly and stared me straight in the eye.

I nodded my head. “My real estate agent sent over some paperwork earlier. He finally accepted.”

I couldn’t tell if she was mad that I had waited until now to tell her or if she was happy. Either way, she just stared at me without saying a word.

“That’s what we wanted, right?” Now I was second-guessing myself. I was second-guessing every decision I ever made with her.

“Yes.” She snapped out of whatever haze she was just in, and her hand gripped my forearm. “Are you kidding me? Yes.” A laugh bubbled out of her.

She had the biggest smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug. She laughed again and I couldn’t stop myself from joining her. People were looking at us, but it didn’t matter.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Her words were mumbled against me.

I kissed the top of her head. “It’s happening.”

She looked up at me and rose on her tiptoes. I couldn’t look anywhere but at her. She threaded her fingers through my hair, pulling me down to meet her, and she stared at my mouth as she said, “Thank you.”

She didn’t wait for me to respond. She pulled me harder into her and her lips met mine. She kissed me like I was responsible for every bit of happiness she ever felt.

She leaned back, still hanging on to me, and she looked like every worry she ever had been lifted from her shoulders.

“Do you want some champagne?” I couldn’t stop smiling at her.

“I’d love some.”

I reached for her hands and held them in mine. I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want to lose this moment or this feeling or the way she was looking at me.

I didn’t want her to look at me any other way.

I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed her soft inner wrist. “I’m going to go grab us some then we can celebrate.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “I’m going to run to the ladies’ room.”

I let go of her hands and she was still smiling as she walked away from me.

I decided in that moment that no matter what she decided she wanted from me, I was going to make it my mission to keep that look on her face. Even if it meant that we were nothing but business partners. Even if she wanted nothing else from me.

I walked to the bar and ordered us both a glass of champagne.

“Hey there, stranger.” I looked down at Katie as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she leaned against the bar next to me while I waited for mine and Brooke’s order, and even though I hated the fact, I could still admit she looked beautiful tonight.

Her brown hair was tied in a braid down one shoulder and she wore a simple blue dress that fit her perfectly.

“Hi.” I looked back to the bar. I didn’t have the time or energy it took to deal with Katie, and all I wanted was to grab our drinks and get back to Brooke.

“Do you have a second?” She looked around before looking back at me.

I couldn’t imagine what in the world she could possibly have to say to me, but even though the girl didn’t deserve it, I couldn’t just be an ass to her.

“How have you been?” She looked like she was genuinely curious and that just pissed me off. She didn’t have any right to be curious about me anymore.

“I’ve been good. Really good.” I nodded my head. “How about you?”

From what I heard, she hadn’t done much with her life since I’ve been gone beyond moving into Brad’s house and waiting on his every whim. That wasn’t the Copyright 2016 - 2024