Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,8

to understand her situation. She may think that it’s this Marco fucker trying to scare her, but I have a feeling it’s something much worse.

“Well, hell,” Ink says. “I didn’t even know you knew that many words, Trig.”

“Shut the fuck up, Ink,” I growl without looking away from Thea.

“Those are the words that I know you do know. You say them enough. All of you say them enough,” he complains.

“But you never actually take the advice,” Brick says.

Instinctively, I gently grip the back of Thea’s neck. Her scared eyes instantly turn soft and relaxed.


“Say your goodbyes, little one,” I tell her as softly as I’m able. “We’re leaving.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Brick asks. “Hey, while you're gone, I might need to borrow your bed. Mine’s being switched out for a waterbed.”

“Go near my room and I’ll break your face,” I say.

“There he is,” Brick laughs.

Thea turns to give Bella a hug.

“Call me as soon as you get settled in,” Bella says. “I know Trigger will make sure you stay safe.”

“Trigger?” Thea says, glancing back in my direction. I want to give her a reassuring smile, but the feeling is unnatural. I nod my head instead.

Thea talks to Bella and Chains for a few minutes before turning and walking toward me.

I don’t move a muscle. I want her to come to me completely. I don’t want to force a single decision.

She stops right in front of me and strains her head up to look at my face.

Good girl.

“I’m ready,” she says, quietly.

I scare her. I scare everyone, but some part of me is deeply upset that I scare her, too.

Without thought, I wrap my large hand around the back of her neck again and watch in awe as her body relaxes into submission.

I’m fucked!

“Let’s go, little one,” I say, guiding her out of the room. “I need to check your home and secure everything before it gets too late.”

Chapter Six


I stop in my tracks.

“There is no way in heck I’m getting on that thing,” I say, looking at the metal death trap.

Trigger’s lip twitches. What kind of name is Trigger anyway?

Stupid Trigger. Stupid lip twitch. Stupid sexy face.

“No way in heck?” he teases.

“Yes, no way in heck,” I repeat. “Let’s just ignore the fact that I’m forty percent more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than in a regular car and focus on the fact that I’m wearing a dress. Someone who looks like me,” I slide my hands down my large curves. “And someone wearing something like this,” I point to my bright yellow dress decorated with sunflowers. “Doesn’t belong on the back of one of those.”

Trigger doesn’t say anything as he gazes into my eyes.

What does he see? Fear? Longing? Lust?

No, definitely not lust.

“Look,” he says, sighing. “I don’t give a fuck what you look like, what you wear, or if you belong on the back of someone’s bike. I just want to take you home, secure everything, and go home and sleep. Can you just not fight me and get on the fucking bike?”

He thrusts a helmet in my arms and straddles his bike.

The feeling of being punched in the gut brings tears to my eyes. I thought there was a connection between us. I thought that maybe my romantic heart finally found someone to fight for.

I guess I was wrong.

I knew from the moment of his first glare that he didn’t like the way I looked. I’m too big for someone like him. He’s so sexy. So perfect. He needs a woman who suits him.

And that woman is definitely not me.

I slide on the helmet, cover my head, and manage to straddle behind him on his bike without my dress showing off my pink panties. My purse is around my shoulder, and I slide it to sit between my legs. Hopefully, that will block enough of my private area. I scoot up until I’m pressed against his back and wrap my arms tightly around his waist.

I only hold him tight so I don’t fall off. It has nothing to do with wanting to get my fill of his hard muscles while I have the chance.

“Tighter,” he says.

Don’t mind if I do, big guy.

I squeeze a bit tighter, and he takes off.

He flies down the street, and I have never felt so free. I want to throw my hands out and shout, but that would mean removing them from around his waist. And that doesn’t sound appealing at all.

I do, however, lean my head back and Copyright 2016 - 2024