Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,7

walked into the store,” Bella says. “You were on the verge of passing out.”

I nod my agreement. I’m not going to lie.

“I was,” I tell her. “But now that I’m thinking about it, it probably was Marco. He’s most likely trying to scare me so that I make a mistake and get points marked against me in this custody battle. I truly didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

The room is silent, and I can feel my face heat. Everyone got together to help me, and I’m turning them all down. I feel so silly. I know it was Marco. He’s a bully.

“After thinking about it, I’m not afraid anymore,” I say, honestly, searching my bag for my phone. “I wouldn’t put it past him to try and scare me.”

Again, no one says anything. With shaky hands, I turn my phone on and call Ted.

“Lo,” a sleepy Ted answers.

Forgetting everyone was still in the room, I giggle.

“I thought you were going to read your book then work on your side projects?”

“What can I say,” he says. “I’m an old man in need of tons of beauty sleep.”

“Goofy man. Listen, can you come and pick me up?” I ask. “I can text you the address. You can just take me back to the shop.”

“Is everything okay, Little Bit?” his concerned voice fills my heart.

“Of course, everything’s fine. I just had a bit of a scare earlier. I’m pretty sure Marco is trying to cheat his way through this battle.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” he agrees. “But, as I said before, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I have a feeling that Brendon will be safe in your arms when it’s over. Text me the address and I’ll be there soon.”

Before I have a chance to respond, my phone is jerked from my hand. I look up, and up, and up until I see the sexy man with the mean glare, and stunning green eyes, staring daggers into my soul. His fade style black hair a mess as if he’s been running his fingers over his head.

I guess you could say he’s got your average sized body for a well put together male, but where my body is soft and squishy, his looks hard and firm.

I don’t have a brave bone in my body, and I hate conflict, but I want to scream, WHAT THE FRICK, MAN? However, I just lower my head and wait.

Chapter Five


Who the fuck is she talking to that has her laughing? And more importantly, why the fuck do I care?

“Who is this?” I say gruffly.

“Well, hello there, sir,” a suspicious voice says. “The names, Ted. I’m Thea’s boss and friend. Who, may I ask, are you?”

“She doesn’t need a ride. I’ll remind her to call you later.”

I hang up and pocket Thea’s phone. I want to make her leave. I want her out of my line of vision, so I won’t have to work so hard to stay focused. But, more than anything, I want to wrap her in my arms and hide her away from the world.

“Uhm,” Thea clears her throat. “May I have my phone back, please?”


“Oh! Uhm…maybe if… I just need to make a call. You canceled my ride back home and he’s going to be freaking out if I don’t reassure him that I’m okay.”

Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I stare down at the tiny woman. So small, so breakable.

“Okay, if you don’t want to stay at Haven, will you at least let us take a look at your home before you go back?” Chains asks her.

She pulls her attention from me and gives it to Chains.

I don’t like that one fucking bit.

“Blake, I truly don’t think it’s going to be a problem. But, if you want to, I don’t mind.”

“I’ll do it,” my traitor mouth blurts out.

What the mother fucking fuck?

Multiple shocked eyes dart in my direction.

Join the club, brothers. You can’t be more shocked than me.

“Oh, Uhm, you don’t have to. I can look when I get home.”

“Like hell, you will,” I argue. “Do you even know what you’re looking for? This person said he’s been watching you and for you not to tell anyone. If he’s watching you as closely as it seems, he’s going to know you came here. He’s going to know you’re looking for help. You need someone to stay with you until we get things figured out.”

Her eyes grow wide with fear.

Fuck! I didn’t want to scare her. I just wanted her Copyright 2016 - 2024