Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,51


“When I was ten years old, I asked my dad if Bryson could come and spend the weekend with me. I wasn’t expecting a yes, but surprisingly, he said it. We had a great time that first day.

But that night a noise woke me up. I couldn’t find Bryson anywhere. He wasn’t in my room, the bathroom, or the kitchen. But I did find him. In my father’s room.

My father had spent hours raping and beating him. He never noticed me standing there, so I ran out of the room and called the police. I remember jumping on my father's back and hitting him as hard as my little fists could. I never stopped until a police officer pulled me off of him.

Bryson was never the same. His body grew into that of a man, but his mind is still that ten-year-old little boy. He sustained brain injury and now has multiple seizures a day.”

Oh my god!

“It’s my biggest mistake,” he continues. “I’m mad at myself for not listening to my gut about my sister’s boyfriend, but this is my biggest mistake. Because of me, my father had the opportunity to hurt my friend.”

“Oh honey, you know that wasn’t your fault, right?”

“I’m not the one who hurt him, but it was my fault. He was there because of me. I’ve learned to accept that fact over the years. I pay for Bryson’s stay at the facility. I pay for his treatments or anything that he needs. I just wanted you to know about this part of my life. I don’t want to hide anything else from you.”

I rest my hand on Mason’s leg. “Thank you for sharing him with me,” I say, tears streaming down my face. “I hope you’ll let me come along when you go visit him from now on.”

Mason smiles. “He did like you, didn’t he? You should have seen his face when you motioned for him to lay beside you while you read his book. I’ve never seen him happier.”

“Does he have a family?”

He shakes his head. “They gave up on him long ago. We’re his family now.”

I smile, wipe my face, and rest my head against Mason’s shoulder.

“I think we should see if we can have him come to Ma’s with us for the party,” I say. “Maybe a nurse can come along in case he has another seizure. Plus, I bet everyone would love to meet him. He’s such a wonderful kind soul.”

Mason kisses the top of my head. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, little one.”

The rest of the trip home is a peaceful one. We stop at Bear’s to pick up Brendon and spend an hour visiting before heading home.

I can’t believe this is my life. Five months ago, I thought for sure I was going to be alone for the rest of my years. But now, not only do I have a beautiful son, who we plan to adopt in the next year, but I have a sexy man and a new amazing family.

I reach in my bag and pull out the small squared fabric. This used to be the only thing that gave me comfort. It made me feel safe and reminded me of the love my parents had for me before they died.

But now, all I have to do is look into Mason’s eyes and am flooded with love and acceptance.

I rub the small fabric against my cheek and smile when I feel the small raise of scarred skin.

I want to thank Marco most days. If it wasn’t for him and his attacks against me, I never would have met the man I love.

Chapter Thirty-Three


It took Marco two weeks to die. I was hoping for at least four weeks, but I guess two isn’t so bad. Bear had the body taken care of, and Slim took care of the legal shit.

Apparently, Marco took a vacation to Mexico and hasn’t been seen since. It also doesn’t appear like anyone even cares.

I take a swig of my beer and watch my woman, son, and best friend play in the kiddie pool at Ma’s.

“You fought for her,” Ma says, reminding me of the conversation we had months ago. “You fought for her, and you won. Now look at that family, Mason. Look at what you fought for. It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

“Sure is, Ma.”

“However, I should tan your hide for keeping Bryson away from us for so long.”

“I know,” I admit. “I’m sorry, Ma.”

“I know you are, now get over there with that family of yours.”

I stand and kiss Ma on the head before doing as she demanded. I stop next to the small pool and watch as my woman moves Brendon back and forth in the water using a floatable baby contraption. Bryson splashes Thea causing her to throw her head back and laugh.

Light. That’s what she is to me. If I ever feel myself falling back into the pit of darkness, I need only look at my woman.

She’s my love. My heart. My soul.

My Light!



Thea’s going to be okay. Thank goodness for that. She’s become a good friend of mine, and I would be devastated if something happened to her. Not to mention I would fear Trigger’s reaction.

That man is head over heels for Thea.

I’m sitting in a chair in Thea’s hospital room. They say she can leave in a week or so. I don’t mind sitting here with her. She’s good company when she’s awake. But I can’t help my mind from wandering to someone else.

My thoughts are broken by the vibration of my phone.

“Yeah,” I answer, not checking the color ID.

“They found her, Brick. They fucking found her.”

“I’m on my way.”

I go to Thea’s sleeping body and kiss her forehead. On my way out to my bike, I give Trigger a ring telling him that I have something to do and will be back as soon as I can.

She’s been missing six months now. I can only imagine the shit she’s had to endure. I know as soon as I find out the details, I’ll be ready to rain down hellfire.

They made a mistake.

And now, they’ll pay.

The End

Note To Reader

Thank you so much for reading Trigger’s Light. Trigger and Thea were so much fun for me to write. The journey was a little more of a struggle to get through, but in the end, Trigger demanded my obedience.

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About the Author

Carol Dawn was born in Maysville, Kentucky, USA, under the name Carolyn Jacobs. Carol is a stay-at-home mom where she spends her days making pb&j sandwiches, picking up toys, and giving her kids more cuddles than they want.

At the young age of five, Carol received a reading medallion for reading over twenty-one books in an eight-week period. So, her literary journey began. She wrote poems, songs, short stories and read many books.

Carol has a slight (MASSIVE) obsession with alpha male/insta-love romance books. If she isn't reading about them, she's writing about them.

When she isn't writing, reading or playing mom, you will find her watching re-runs of Stargate SG1, Star Trek, cooking, coloring mandalas or performing her favorite songs for her invisible audience.

Also by Carol Dawn

Infernal Sons MC, Series

Bear's Forever

A Very Beary Christmas

Chains` Redemption

Hawk's Choice


Bear's Forever audio Copyright 2016 - 2024