Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,50

it,” I warn.

With a nod of Bear and Ink’s head, I leave to go back to my woman.

Chapter Thirty-Two


It’s been a week since I was released from the hospital. I still feel pain in my chest, but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was. I still can’t hold Brendon, and that breaks my heart, but every day I get stronger.

Bear and Rose are watching Brendon for us today because Mason wants to take me somewhere. He won’t tell me where, but he does look extremely worried. He’s more silent than normal as we sit in his truck on our way to, destination unknown.

I’ve tried asking questions about random things, but my only responses have been grunts. So, I’ve been sitting here in silence for almost an hour. Finally, the truck slows down, and we pull up to a booth outside of a closed gate.

“Hello, Mr. Granger,” the man in the booth greets. “It’s been a little while since we’ve seen you.”

“Been busy,” he says.

“I just need you and your lovely lady here to sign in.”

He hands Mason a clipboard, and we sign our names in the visitor box next to the name Bryson Smith.

The gates open and we drive in.

“Whose Bryson Smith?” I ask, not really expecting an answer.

“Childhood friend,” he says.

I’m momentarily shocked at his answer and almost miss the sign with the name of the building.

“Lebanon’s psychiatric institute,” I read. “Why is your friend here?”

Mason exits the truck and comes to my side, opening the door.

“Come on, little one.”

He helps me down, and we walk into the building. Mason seems really familiar with these halls as we make turn after turn and he never once falters.

“Hello, Miss Tiffany,” Mason greets a lady behind a desk. “Is he ready for visitors?”

“Mr. Granger, we’ve been expecting you. Yes, he’s ready and in a very good mood today.”

With a nod of his head, he guides me down the hall with his hand on my back. We walk until we reach room seven-seventeen. Mason knocks twice and opens the door.

“Hey buddy,” Mason says, causing a man to turn around.

He’s about as tall as Mason but with a slim build. He has thick curly black hair and green eyes and looks to be about the same age. That is, until his eyes light up, his smile grows wide, and he runs right in our direction.

Mason simply laughs, gently shoves me behind him, and opens his arms wide. The man, Bryson, slams into Mason’s arms and hugs him like he hasn’t seen him in years.

The whole scene brings tears to my eyes.

“Hey buddy, I brought someone for you to meet,” Mason says, still hugging Bryson.

“Can we hug a widdle wonger firs?” Bryson asks.

His voice and words are both more childlike then I expected.

“Absolutely,” Mason tightens his arms around his friend and holds him until Bryson eventually pushes away.

“Who’s your fwiend?” Bryson asks. “She’s pwetty.”

“Yes, she is. Bry, this is Thea, my woman. Thea, meet my best friend, Bryson.”

I take a step forward and hold out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Bryson.”

Bryson laughs and hops up and down before engulfing me in his arms.

“Will you be my fwiend, too?” He asks, rubbing my hair. “Such soft hair.”

Trying to hold back my tears, I say, “Of course. I would love to be your friend. But only if you’ll be mine as well.”

Bryson pulls back and claps his hands.

“Now, she’s my woman too, Mase.”

Mason laughs and guides me to a nearby table. We sit there for a couple of hours, just talking, laughing, and playing games. Bryson asked me to read him some of his favorite book, The Universal truth of creation.

Which is exactly what I do for the next hour.

Just as I’m finishing up a chapter, Bryson starts making weird sounds. I look beside me in the bed where he was laying and see him flopping around.

“Oh God, Mason, get help, he’s having a seizure.”

Mason rushes from the room and quickly returns with a nurse.

“It’s okay, Bryson,” the woman says. “You’re okay.”

I go to Mason’s side, and he tucks me under his arm while we watch his best friend fight through the seizure. Once it’s over and the nurse tells us that he’s going to be just fine, we say our goodbyes and leave.

I don’t say anything for the first half-hour into our trip home.

But now, I need answers.

“Will you talk to me now?” I ask.

Mason seems to be working through some internal battle before he finally takes a deep breath and starts Copyright 2016 - 2024