Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,5

daylights out of me.

But I also know he’s a good man.

It isn’t much longer when he bangs on the door, causing me to jump.

After Bella lets him in, he wraps her in the tightest embrace I’ve ever seen. I turn my head away, giving them their moment.

“Now, what the fuck is going on?” he demands.

I try to remind myself that he’s a good man as a dark look crosses his face while he reads the letter I received.

Good man or not, he scares me.

“Grab your shit, ladies,” he says, folding the paper and putting it in his pocket. “Thea, have you gotten any more letters like this?”

“No,” I answer softly.

“Is there anyone out there you can think of that would want to scare you?” Blake asks softly.

I can only think of one person.

“My sister’s husband isn’t too happy with me right now,” I tell him. “But I don’t see him doing this.”

“Why isn’t he happy with you?”

My eyes water thinking about my sister.

“My sister was killed in a car crash about a month ago,” I tell him. “She was nine months pregnant at the time. They were able to keep her alive long enough to deliver her son via c-section.” I close my eyes, trying to block out the unwanted images of her bruised body. “Her husband was always abusive toward her. But she never had the kind of marks to prove it. Not any that I could see, anyway. Just bruises that could easily be explained away.

I’ve been trying to fight for custody of Brendon since the day he was born. I don’t want him to grow up in an abusive home. Marco, Brendon’s father, is very angry with me. But like I said before, I don’t think he would go to this level.”

Blake seems to take it what I said before he speaks. “We’ll talk more about it at the clubhouse. Do you have everything you need?”

I nod my head. “I’ll call my boss on the way over and explain why I shut the store down early.”

Settling into the back seat of Blake’s car, I reach inside my purse to make sure the soft square of cloth I never leave home without is tucked safely inside. I grip it between my fingers and let the old fabric attempt to soothe away my worries.

Chapter Three


“Why didn’t you come to my birthday party, man?” Ink asks the moment I walk into the clubhouse the next morning. “You should have seen it. Rose had the whole place decked out. All that was missing was a clown.”

I’m sure if Rose would have even thought of a clown, she would have had one.

“I was there,” I admit. “Had a few beers then went home.”

“What? You couldn’t say happy birthday?” He asks.

“After seeing you surrounded by bunnies, being around you was the last thing I wanted,” I say.

A smirk spreads across his face. “Yeah, I had a good time with a couple of those bunnies.”

“I want you to remember all the fun you have with bunnies when you finally find the woman you want to make your ol’lady,” Brick says. “She won’t even be able to walk through the door without seeing some pussy that you’ve been balls deep in.”

A haunted look crosses Ink’s face before he’s able to shove it aside.

There’s a story there.

“Hey, listen up,” Prez says from his office door. “Chains just called and said he’s bringing someone in. Slim, are you here?”

“Yep,” Slim says from somewhere in the room. “You need me for something?”

“We might. Don’t go anywhere.”

About five minutes later, Chains walks in, followed by Bella and another woman.

A very sexy, tiny, woman with long wavy blonde hair and curves that make my mouth water.

Holy fuck.

She looks up and right at my face as if she could feel my stare.

My body wants to rush toward her, throw her over my shoulder and get her away from this group of men. But, somehow, I manage to send her a glare and turn away instead.

In that last nanosecond, before I turned away, I could see the hurt written all over her face.

Fuck me! I caused that.

“Is this the woman you told me about?” Prez asks.

“Yeah,” Chains responds. “Everyone, this is Bella’s friend, Thea. Thea, this is everyone.”

Her face blossoms red at all the attention directed her way.

“Hello, everyone,” she says softly.

The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen has the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard.

She glances in my direction before quickly averting her gaze to her feet.

She’s too soft for someone Copyright 2016 - 2024