Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,4

computer printed note.


Walking to your car, you ass sways side to side,

Stretching your arms up, your breasts are open wide.

Unlocking your front door, your eyes never look my way,

Undressing in your room, open blinds means you want to play.

Steam filling up the bathroom, in the shower is where I like you most,

Soap running down your body, I’m watching you as a ghost.

Sliding naked under the blankets, you think you’re safe and sound,

But I’m always there, always watching,

Say a word, and you’ll never be found.

“Hey, Thea. It looks like I made it just in time. Or did you already snatch the good ones?”

My heart is racing as I glance at the person who just walked in, my newest friend, Bella.

“I don’t know how I managed it, but I was actually able to come without Blake riding my heels.”

I’m feeling light-headed and barely catch myself on the counter before I fall, the note falling to the ground.

“Hey, Thea. What’s wrong?” Bella asks, worried.

Not knowing what to say, or if I’m able to say anything, I just stare at Bella, tears of fear falling down my face.

My worried friend grabs the paper off the floor and reads it silently.

“Oh my god. What the hell, Thea? You have a stalker? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I don’t…I just found out. Oh, god, Bella. Someone’s been watching me.”

“That’s it, close the store, we’re going to the clubhouse. Blake and the others will help you.”

The clubhouse? I don’t think so.

“Uhm, no,” I say. “First off, did you read that last part? It says not to tell anyone. It’s a threat, Bella.”

“Yes, it is,” she agrees. “But I promise you that the guys will protect you. Please, come with me.”

“I’ll just go to the police,” I suggest. “They help with these types of things, right?”

“Sure, they do,” she says. “But the Infernal Sons will do a much better job. I know that you feel uncomfortable around so many people. I know that you’re unbelievably shy around strangers. But, please, trust me. If you feel too uncomfortable, we can leave.”

I know that I should do something. Someone has been watching me long enough to know some of my routines. But I’m so terrified, and I just want to go home and hide behind locked doors.

“Honey,” Bella says, quietly. “It sounds like this person has cameras in your home. In your bathroom, Thea. Your bedroom. I know you enough to know that you want to go home and hide away but trust me enough to know that it’s a bad idea. At least let the guys look over your place and check for cameras.”

Knowing that she’s right, that I need help, I relent and nod my head.

Bella releases a gust of air before pulling out her phone.

“Thank you. I’m going to call Blake and have him come pick us up. You’ll be safer with him taking you than if we were to drive ourselves.”

I don’t say anything while she rushes to the door and flips the sign to closed. She locks the deadbolt before returning to my side.

“What if they have camera’s in here, too?” I ask. “Things like this don’t happen to people like me. Who would want to stalk a fat girl?”

“Stop talking about yourself like that,” she scolds. “You’re beautiful, and you know it.”

She places her phone on the counter and hits speaker.

“Baby?” A deep voice answers.

“Uhm, listen,” she starts. “Don’t freak out, but I need you to come to The Book Bin and pick Thea and me up. We have a bit of a situation, and we need to talk to the guys. I’m afraid for her to drive herself, and there’s no way I can protect her if something was to happen.”

“What the fuck, Bella? I let you out of my sight for an hour, and something happens. Never again, baby.”

“Oh, I’m fine,” she huffs. “It’s not me who’s in trouble. Please hurry. We’ll be waiting.”

“I’m already on my way, baby. I want an explanation from both of you when I get there.”

He hangs up.

“Dang, I didn’t even get an, ‘I love you.’ I’m in trouble.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say, embarrassed. “I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

Bella wraps her arms around my neck. “No need to be sorry, honey. You know how he is. All bark and no bite.”

I do know how he is. He’s extremely protective of Bella and their daughter, Sophia. He’s so in love with Bella to the point that jealousy oozes from my pores. He’s intense and scares the living Copyright 2016 - 2024