Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,32

will play out in a year. I know Thea will not want to give up custody. I know that I already don’t want this fella taken from our family. But, hopefully, by then, everything works out the way it needs to be.

“He’s really here,” Thea says, sitting on the couch. “Look at how beautiful he is.”

“He’s very beautiful,” I agree. “Why haven’t you taken him out of his seat?”

“Oh, Uhm,” she mumbles nervously. “I thought, maybe you could do it for me?”

“What’s wrong?”

Thea sighs. “I’ve never held a baby before. I honestly have no idea how I’m going to do this. I just knew that I had to do it.”

“What would you have done had I not been here?” I ask.

“Wing it?”

“Naughty girl,” I grin.

I unbuckle Brendon from his seat and lift him up.

“Woah, there big guy. You get any heavier, and I’ll never be able to lift you,” I joke.

Brendon answers by grabbing my thumb resting on his cheek and pulling it towards his mouth.

“Have a seat, little one,” I tell Thea. “Let’s start off with you holding this big fella.”

Thea leans back on the couch and holds out her arms. I show her how to hold his head with one hand and his body with the other.

“My goodness, he’s so light,” she whispers.

Brendon jerks his head to the side, causing Thea to jump. I chuckle and sit beside her.

“Babies have this tendency to be a little jumpy,” I tell her. “You just have to pay special attention when you’re holding him. Especially with his head. Soon, he’ll be jerking his head all over the place before he can even fully hold it up on his own.”

“How do you know so much about babies?” she asks.

I shrug a shoulder. “My sister owned a rescue home for abandoned and neglected children. I loved volunteering there almost every day” I admit.

“Rescue home?” she asks curiously.

“Yep. She was a wonderful woman, my sister. Now her place is owned by her best friend. Children and my family are my biggest weakness. However, I know two people who have made their way to the top. This little man, and you.”


“My most precious weakness,” I say, leaning in to steal a kiss.

I pull back and lean down to kiss Brendon’s soft head.

My family.

Which reminds me.

“We need to move into my place,” I say.

“What? Move?”

“Yeah, baby. Whoever attacked you knows where you live. Hawk said he couldn’t find any hidden cameras, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Let’s pack up and move to my place. I have plenty of room. Brendon’s room will be right next to ours.

I have security that can assure your safety if I’m not home. Please, move in with me.”


I smile. She caught that, huh?

“Yeah, little one. Our room. Our boy, our home, our life, our future.”

Her eyes fill with tears. My sensitive baby girl.

“Okay,” she whispers.

I smile wide at my victory, kiss her softly so I don’t hurt her and make my way to her room.

Time to get her packed and get my family home.


Chapter Twenty


My life is perfect. It’s been a little over a month since I got temporary custody of Brendon and moved into Mason’s house. He’s so good with Brendon, and I couldn’t be more thankful to have him around.

I can’t believe I thought taking care of a baby was going to be easy. If it wasn’t for Mason, I would be losing my sanity about now. I was so lost at first. I didn’t know how to make a bottle or change a diaper.

Mason has been extremely patient as he slowly teaches me everything I need to know. It took a couple of weeks, but I finally got hang of the whole mom thing. Which was good for me because while Mason was at work, doing whatever it is he does at the clubhouse, a social worker stopped by for a surprise visit.

I was so terrified that she would find me unfit and take Brendon away. But everything worked out fine. She said he was growing and seemed to be happy. She left with the small warning to expect more surprise visits from time to time.

The cut on my face finally healed. It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches or anything, but it did leave a noticeable scar. It’s a straight line starting just below my left eye and ends just above my jaw line. Ink thinks that it will go away with time but says that corrective surgery is another option.

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