Trigger's Light - Carol Dawn Page 0,31

says. “Name’s Bear. Ruler over these fuckers. You should know that your son will be more protected than the president of the united states around my brothers. Trigger, most of all. You have nothing to worry about. We look forward to catching you around from time to time.”

“Ruler?” Marco asks.

Bear laughs. “Yep, I’m president of the Infernal Sons MC. These are all my brothers.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard of you all,” Marco says. “Crazy bunch of dudes but tighter than any family around these parts. Well, I guess that answers that.” Marco looks at me. “I know he’ll be loved and taken care of. Seems you have one heck of an entourage, Thea.”

“Yeah,” I admit.

“Well, I better get home. I’ll be at your house around nine.” He smiles and walks away.

“That was so freaking weird,” I say.

Mason grunts, grabs my hand and walks me to the car.

Holy freaking cow.

What is my life, right now?

Chapter Nineteen


I like to think that I can read people. I can take one look at a person and decide if I need to keep a closer eye on them or just go about my business and ignore them.

I thought for sure Marco was the one threatening Thea. But now, I’m not so sure. His eyes seemed pretty genuine when he was talking to my woman yesterday.

I’m not completely shoving him aside, but he isn’t my main target anymore.

A knock on the door has Thea jumping up and running only to trip and fall.

“What the heck did I trip over, air?” she asks

I look down to where her feet are and see nothing. No cracks in the floor, no object, and no carpet or rug. I laugh and help her stand.

“I literally tripped over air, Mason. I can never hold Brendon.”

I laugh harder. “You tripped because your feet got excited and moved faster than they can go. Just don’t run when you’re holding him, little one.”

“Luckily, I caught myself before I face planted. That would have hurt.”

I nod my agreement as we walk to the door. I start to open it only to have Thea grab the side of the door and shove it open.

“Little girl,” I reprimand without thinking.

“Sorry, daddy,” she responds quickly.

Surprisingly, Marco just laughs.

“I thought I felt that dynamic between the two of you,” Marco says. “Did you know that your sister was a Little, too?”

“Really?” Thea asks, shocked.

“Yep, we talked about it once, and I tried to give her what she needed but it just wasn’t my thing. I think that’s why I started drinking and lashing out at her. I knew I couldn’t be who she needed me to be. I really wish I could go back and try again.”

I don’t agree with how he treated Adelaide, but I can understand not being what your partner needs. As a Daddy Dom, not many people need someone like me.

“Well, here he is,” Marco says, holding out a car seat. “I was informed that all he really needed were his clothes, any favorite toys, and his favorite bottles. It’s all packed in the trunk.”

I glance at Thea and see tears falling down her face.

“He’s so beautiful,” she whispers. “Goodness, you grew so fast in a single month, huh buddy?”

I grab the car seat and Thea’s hand and walk them both to the couch.

“I’ll be right back, baby.”

Glancing down, a blue-eyed, bald, very curious little boy looks back at me.

“Hey there, big guy,” I say. “Watch out for your aunt while I go get your things.”

His wide eyes stay locked on mine as he shoves his fist in his mouth. I chuckle and turn away.

“Is there anything we need to know?” I ask Marco after we bring the boxes inside.

“Well, he still eats every four to six hours. He doesn’t really sleep through the night but does go straight back to sleep after he’s been changed and fed. He loves music and strangely enough, conversations. He’s only a month old and listens better than most adults.”

I believe it.

“Can I say goodbye?” he asks me.

Nodding my head, I step aside.

“Well, buddy, I gotta go,” he says, kneeling down to the still buckled in Brendon. “These two are going to take such good care of you. They’re going to love you and give you so many cuddles. I’ll see ya soon. I love ya buddy.”

Marco stands and looks at Thea. “Can I come back next weekend to visit?”

Thea nods.

“Alrighty, well, I’ll see ya’ll later.”

“See ya,” I say.

We watch as Marco walks to his car. I’m not sure how things Copyright 2016 - 2024