Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,52

you?!” Some guy shouted at me as he walked towards me in what he no doubt believed was a threatening way. So instead of answering him, I snapped out a fist quicker than he could react and broke his nose…again.

He dropped to the floor instantly and I hated the fact that I wasn’t free to give more into the punch. For it wouldn’t have just killed him, my fist would have most likely embedded itself inside his skull and that shit was one mess that even I didn’t relish the idea of right now. I still had a lot of travelling to do and didn’t foresee doing so with brain matter crusted on my knuckles as being exactly practical.

Amelia didn’t realise it yet, but it was why I always forced myself to hold back when fighting her. Doing so more with the aim of teaching and well, the last time most certainly ended more to my advantage. Especially when it was becoming clear the addiction to tying her up that had manifested in our sex life very early on.

But this was unsurprising, as it was true that I was a dominant lover, even spanning throughout my long history. But since Amelia, naturally being the first mortal in my bed, well then there was no comparison. The urge to keep her in place and unable to take away my enjoyment as I made her mine and claimed her body, was just too tempting not to give in to. This was also helped by the fact that she also enjoyed it…immensely, for I always made sure of this fact before finding my own release.

But right now, it was time for a release of a very different, violent kind.

“Oh shit, not again.” I heard one of them mutter and from the looks of the sling around his arm, then it wasn’t surprising, nor was the fact that he started to back up.

“Let me guess, you’re the motherfucker missing a Ferrari?” The question came from the mezzanine level above and from who I expected to find walking closer to the rebar railings. Of course, his choice of insults had me questioning exactly what Amelia had said, for however it had happened, she had somehow managed to do business with this asshole.

I replied with a deadly grin,

“No, I am the horror story your boys will tell others when asked how you lost your life, should you choose not to co-operate of course…now where is my woman, Bryant?” I told him making him sneer down at me at the sound of his own name from my lips.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are or where the fuck you got that name but both just signed your fucking death warrant…’cause, unlike the last time someone walked in here and fucked with me, now we are all packing, asshole and from the looks of things, you look shit out of luck, as you should have brought a gun.” I smirked at this and told him with a confidence that cracked the air around me along with my knuckles,

“I don’t need luck, Bryant, just as…I don’t need a gun.” I let these last five words out with a demonic growl that made his eyes widen. Then I reached down and picked up an air line before ripping it from the air compressor it was attached to. As the first guy pulled a gun from the holster at his back, I swung the hose and hit him square in the chest with the impact gun that had been the tool the forced air had been used for.

He landed backwards into the tall red tool chest, knocking a set of wrenches off the top with a clatter of sound. By which time, I had started pulling the hose back to me, and was swinging the end of the tool ready for the next asshole. But then one came running at me from behind and I sidestepped with time to spare. This was so that when he passed me, I could then wrap the length of hose around his neck. After this I twisted my body downwards to one knee putting my back to his. The move took him with me and started to cut off his air supply.

It was only when I felt his body go limp that I let him go, just as the first rain of bullets started from both my level and the one above. So, I threw up a hand and stopped them in Copyright 2016 - 2024