Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,48

had seen on her own hands, making me question where it had come from? Had it been left from the cuts I had seen there that I now knew was from her being fooled into opening the vault…or had something else happened to her?

Gods, but if something had then I knew that my vessel would never survive the rage of my demon without him tearing free! I snarled down at myself before I turned my back on the damage and left the bathroom. Instead, I walked back inside the room and took in the hurried array of her actions. I walked to the coffee tray and ran a finger along the selections of teas seeing that nothing looked missing. I looked down and located the trash bin, kicking it back under the desk when seeing it was empty. She hadn’t even been here long enough to drink something.

There wasn’t even a fucking a receipt or food wrapper, nothing. It was as though all she had come here for was nothing more than to stop for sleep and that was it. Gods, but the girl must be running on fumes by now and all I could hope for was that she was at least eating on the road. I hated to think of her not taking care of herself and I swore that when I finally found her, then it had better not be in anything less than the perfect condition I had come used to seeing her in before all this shit began!

And well, from the evidence I had found in the bathroom, then my hope for this outcome was looking less likely by the fucking second! I walked over to the pile of clothes she had left on the floor to see now that it was a uniform…the flight attendant’s uniform to be exact. But of course, she had swapped clothes with her to keep up the ruse and not arouse suspicion when leaving the plane. However, this then made me question what if her clothes weren’t the only thing she had swapped with her?

I knew that she had gone to her room before leaving but hadn’t taken her purse, passport, phone, nothing that could be traced to her, but what if she had taken something after all…

A bargaining chip?

After all, she needed money somehow and I could not imagine that Amelia had just decided to leave it all up to chance. No, she would know that she needed money, if only to fill the tank of a very expensive car that didn’t exactly get the best mileage. So, what if her reasons for arranging the jet weren’t solely to fool us? After all, driving there first had been a risk in itself, for we must have only just missed her being there.

I pulled my phone from my back pocket and made the call.

“You found something?” Dom asked as way of answer.

“Perhaps,” I told him, not surprised that he hadn’t asked if I had found her. Because he knew as well as I did, that she would be long gone from here by the time we arrived.

“Then what do you need?”

“I want you to tell Keira to go to her room. Look again to see what is missing…it would have to be something of value,” I told him, knowing that an explanation wouldn’t be needed.

“You think she would pawn something to fund her escape?” he asked then relayed the message to Keira who didn’t ask questions.

“I think she bribed the flight attendant for more than just the use of her clothes. I didn’t think of it at the time, but her decoy told me she had been paid, yet Amelia’s purse remained in her room. So, it stands to reason she must have paid her with something, and I think Amelia would have bargained for a lot more than just a uniform.” He agreed before giving me what I wanted before needing to ask for it.

“I will have her account checked and have the girl questioned.”

“Good, my only hope is that Amelia slipped up and is still using her card, but I doubt it,” I told him making him agree once more.

“Knowing Fae, clearing her accounts would have been one of the first things she did, but it is worth looking into.”

“Well, knowing how much cash she has will at least give me an idea of the limits set against her…or should I say set against me. Let me know what you find,” I told him.

“Of course.” After his Copyright 2016 - 2024