Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,47

what you can find.” Both nodded and went about their duties without a word.

“I have finished,” the woman said stepping back. So, I walked to her side of the desk and turned the screen my way so I could look for myself, scanning a finger down the list of names.

“Room seven, has it been cleaned?” I asked the moment I saw the name ‘Jane Eyre’ on the system, seeing for myself that she had paid in cash. But of course, she didn’t want to be traced. The question became where she got that money from to begin with. Had she really been reduced to stealing it? That certainly didn’t sound like Amelia, but then again, I knew for myself what the depths of desperation would make a person do.

“No, but it will be shortly.”

“Call the chambermaid and tell her to leave it. Then give me a key to the room,” I told her making her pick up a radio and call the maid to relay my order. Then she picked up a blank card and assigned it a room after swiping it through a reader. I plucked it from her fingers the second it was free from the machine and was striding towards the rooms with determined steps, knowing that I had no time to waste. My only hope was that she had left some clue as to what she was planning next. Or at the very least, clues as to where it was she had come from, that way I may discover her intentions as to where she’d planned to be her destination.

Pip’s earlier question had been what if she had no plans? What if she had simply got in the car and decided to keep going with no destination in mind? But at the time, both Dom and I had dismissed the idea. Because Amelia always had a plan. It was who she was. It was ingrained into the core of her. And I would bet my fangs on the fact that by the time she had made it outside the boundary of Afterlife that she had already started to formulate a plan in her mind.

It was what made her so dangerous. She was one of the smartest people I knew and for that reason alone I knew that hunting her down was going to be no easy feat. But everyone left something behind. And even the most insignificant thing could lead somewhere.

Especially in the age of technology. Everything had a digital fingerprint. Even the packet of a coffee cup could lead a person in the right direction, as everything had a code to chase back to the source. From manufacturer, to buyer, to distribution and then to consumer. It was all breadcrumbs to follow and as smart as my girl was, everyone at one time or another slipped up. Now, my only hope was that she slipped up this early on and behind the door I was now approaching was a slip up made sooner rather than later.

I opened the door and entered, taking a moment to breathe deep, taking in the lingering scent of my Chosen. But doing so ended by finding myself having to fight my demon as he rose to the surface. To the point that I could see the reflection of crimson eyes staring back at me through the mirror in the bathroom as I stepped inside.

I picked up the still damp towel that had been left on top of the counter and brought it to my face so I could take in the new soap she had used, familiarizing myself with it. Then I fisted it angrily, letting the water seep through my hand and drip down my leather glove. I threw it aside with a slap against the tiles and scanned the room for anything more.

Then I frowned as the faint smell of bile reached my nose and I walked closer to the toilet seeing now a tiny speck of vomit at the rim, telling me that she had been sick. I growled angrily as I turned away from the sight, before spinning and putting my fist straight through the glass above the sink, shattering the image of my anger.

I tore it from the mirror letting shards of glass clatter with the song of destruction raining down against the ceramic bowl, before looking down at the blood pooling around the shards that were still embedded in my skin. I calmly pulled them free and in doing so remembered the blood I Copyright 2016 - 2024