Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6) - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,41

At this Keira wasn’t the only one to look at him as if he had been taken over by another entity. Hell, even I was questioning who the Hell he was!

“Oh, don’t fucking look at me like that, I may not like this fucking reality, Luc, but I think we both know where fighting against the Fates has gotten me in the past,” Dom snapped making me reply,

“I think you will find that I am the very last person who will disagree with you here. Besides, you couldn’t stop me even if you tried and you know this.” I replied because it was true, making him grit his teeth as he was forced to admit,

“Yes, that as well.”

“So, you see, little Keira girl, better the Devil you know,” I said before my phone started ringing.

“Tell me you have an address.” I barely refrained from snarling this demand, only taking a breath when he replied,

“And a number. I have just sent you the details,” Dante informed me.

“I need that…”

“On it.” Dom said before picking up his own phone and demanding the helicopter to get here asap.

“Anything else?” Dante asked, already fully aware of the situation.

“Yes, question Wendy again.”

“Luc, I don’t think…” I quickly cut him off and this time gave into my demon’s urge to snarl at him,

“I don’t want to fucking hear it! Now, I want it done and Dante…”

“Yeah?” he asked in a deflated tone.

“If she doesn’t tell you anything, then I will be the next one questioning her and I don’t need to tell you…”

“Yeah, yeah, that would be bad. I will use force this time,” he admitted making me nod despite him being unable to see it.

“Good. Report back to me when it is done,” I said knowing that this time he would get his answers, even if the Drude needed to bend a few rules to get it. Which meant invading more than one mind in search of my missing Chosen, something I had not one fucking problem with!

I hung up and got the information I needed before calling the hotel demanding that I be put through to her room immediately. Hoping now that I wasn’t too late before she was on the run again. But even if this was so, I was hoping at the very least it meant that the net was closing in around her, as I would finally have a radius of time around a centre point I could work with. And after all, a Ferrari wasn’t hard to spot in the daylight. Meaning that finally the cops may have more luck picking her up.

But in the meantime, I pressed in the number and started walking out the door as this was one conversation that was between me and my Chosen One only.

“Put me through to Miss Draven’s room,” I asked without bothering with any pleasantries.

“Let me just check the system for you, hold please.” I had to hold back a growl of impatience.

“I am sorry, Sir, but we don’t seem to have anyone by that name.” I gritted my teeth despite expecting this to be the case and said,

“Fine, then you may know what name she did give, for you can’t have many slim, beautiful young women, staying there alone.”

“Aww, that’s sweet,” the woman said making me grimace, for fucking sweet was as far from what I felt in this moment. No, murderous, furious, fucking mad was what I would have gone with and it was one that was quickly tipping over towards blind rage with every second wasted!

“Yes… quite,” I gritted out before telling her,

“She’s five foot five, black hair, naturally tanned, blue eyes, drives a Ferrari.” She snorted a laugh and said,

“Are you sure you have the right hotel, Sir?” I held back the growl of frustration and gritted out my reply,

“Yes, I am sure, and I take it by that wry tone that your establishment is a shit hole?” I snapped making her backtrack,

“Well, no that is not what I am saying…”

“I don’t care, just find the rooms where there are single female occupants!” I snapped,

“Oh, right…yes, I can do that,” she mumbled and the sound of tapping on the computer didn’t exactly fill me with confidence, but despite this and the fact that I nearly put another hole in the walls of Afterlife, a minute later she came back and said,

“There is only one and I will put you through.”

“And the name?” I asked hoping it was one she would continue to use and would aid me Copyright 2016 - 2024