Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,8

to go let him in before he wakes up everyone else in the hotel.”

“Yes, it would be a shame if he was arrested for public intox,” Becki agreed, wanting nothing more than to drive downtown and beat his head in.

“Don’t be mean to him when you see him tomorrow,” Natie begged. “I love you, and I’ll text you when I’m done with my pedi. Night.”

“Night, call me if you need me.” What a total jackass, Becki thought as she ended the call.

Landon strolled down the pier; pushing a cart in front of him, “Success!” he bragged, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

“It’s about time,” Becki replied, glancing around. “Did you see anyone else close by?”

Landon frowned, “No, why?” he asked, breathing deeply. If anyone were around, he would know it. He did not pick up the scent of anyone close by. “Is your imagination working overtime, scaredy-cat?” he teased, as he maneuvered the cart as close to the boat as possible.

“Oh, kiss my ass. Why would I be scared with a big strong bonehead like you to protect me?” Becki asked, fluttering her eyes in mock adoration.

“Exactly,” Landon made a fist, showcasing his “guns”. “Now let’s get this loaded so I can get home before the sun comes up.”

As if it mattered, sunlight did not bother him in the least, unlike Vamps who dealt with daylight limitations. In recent years, their “daylight allergy” had become less of an issue due to new breakthroughs in technology. In Landon’s opinion, Vamps were bad enough at night without technology enabling them to roam during daylight hours. Progress was not always a good thing.

“Whatever,” Becki said, moving to the opposite side of the crate. “You were the one who had to go find Jack so you could use the cart. Let’s get this show on the road, my feet are killing me.”

It had been a long day with Natie and Jonah and an even longer night at work. The kitchen was backed up, customers were grouchy, and two waitresses had called in sick. The approaching tropical storm didn’t help anyone’s attitude. Hurricane Hugo had devastated the area years ago, so everyone watched tropical storms pretty closely now.

Landon gripped his side of the crate. “Now, when I say lift, we lift and walk toward the pier and set it down close to the cart. Ready? One, two, three... lift.”

Royce braced himself, certain that he was about to be dropped. Oh shit, here we go.

Landon made sure to support the bulk of the crate, but let Becki think she was helping. Soon it was loaded into his truck, and they were on their way to Becki’s house. Shaking his head, he watched Becki take a corner at warp speed; she was practically on two wheels. Fast was the only way she knew how to drive a car. Why her parents ever bought her a sports car, he would never know. She really needed a Sherman Tank. She was already trudging up the steps to the front door when he pulled in the driveway. Landon knew she had been out on the water today and then worked a full shift. She looked like she was dragging.

“I’ll get this,” he said, when she started back down the stairs to come and help him. “You go in and sit down a minute. I’ll come through to say goodnight before I leave.”

“Deal,” she answered gratefully, “I’ll let you in the back door.”

Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, he slid the crate out of the truck-bed. Once on the ground, he strapped it to the cart, wheeled it into the back yard, and placed it on her deck.

“‘Night,” Landon called as he walked through the living room on his way out the front door to Becki’s house. “I put the crate on your deck. Lock up when I leave to keep the crazies out.”

“I think it’s too late,” Becki laughed, “one already got in.” Following him to the door, she handed him a glass of sweet tea to-go. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again for rescuing this damsel in distress.”

“Any time darlin’,” he said stepping through the doorway and pulling the door closed behind him. He stood waiting until he heard the lock click into place. “Get some sleep!” Landon called as he stepped off the porch and walked silently to his truck.

He would make someone a nice catch Becki decided. She would start keeping her eyes open for someone she thought might be good for him.


“Sean,” Royce Copyright 2016 - 2024