Treasure Tides - By Deniece Greene Page 0,7

girls, Leann age fourteen and Mandy twelve, were sure to be heart breakers as well. Maybe they would get it figured out before Leann started dating, but neither of them was willing to make any promises.

Becki, Kurt’s twenty-two year old niece, had recently moved to South Carolina. Her mother had laughed and told them that Becki was “their practice run”, a chance to watch over and worry about someone who is reaching for independence. It was a much more difficult job than they had thought it would be.

“I just love it here,” Becki said stepping off the pier and onto her boat, left foot first. “I’m so glad I have family-- and great friends-- to help out in my times of need. Thanks again,” Becki said as she gave Landon a quick hug.

“There it is,” she said motioning toward the crate. “Could we put it in your truck and drop it by my house?” Becki asked. “I’m pretty sure it won’t fit in my car.”

“That’s no surprise. Not much will fit in that little clown car,” Landon said, as he sized up the crate.

“Hey, be nice to Bee. I look hot driving her,” Becki said laughing as she slugged him on the shoulder.

Leaving the crate to Landon, Becki turned to start gathering her dive gear. She and Jonah had been looking for shark’s teeth, but didn’t score any today. Local shop owners loved to get sharks’ teeth because they were a big hit with tourists. She had found a Megalodon tooth that had sold for over two-hundred dollars. Hunting for teeth was a hobby for Becki. It was like an underwater Easter egg hunt, and the fact that she could make money doing something she loved was a bonus.

“What do you have in here anyway, a body? It’s heavy,” Landon groaned as he tested the weight of the box. He could have carried the thing all the way home in one hand but didn’t want Becki to know the extent of his strength. It would lead to questions he did not want to answer.

“Don’t be such a sissy; use those big muscles. I put it on the boat myself it’s not that heavy,” Becki scoffed.

Put it on the boat herself? It had to weigh more than two hundred pounds. “I’ll be right back. I want to see if Jack has a two wheeled cart we can use,” he called to her as he jumped onto the dock with superior agility.

Seriously, what is wrong with him? Becki rolled her eyes as she watched him stride away. He didn’t seem to have trouble lifting kegs of beer, and they were heavier than that crate! Becki would just load it in his truck herself, while he was tracking down Jack and the cart.

As she moved toward the crate, she heard a voice saying “Move faster, damn it”. She looked around, but didn’t see anyone. Ok, that was kind of creepy, but sound does travel funny on the water, she told herself. Landon would be back any second--, she hoped.

Becki grabbed a hold of the crate and started to pick it up only to find that she could not budge it. “Shit, this thing is heavy,” she said out loud.

It was certainly heavier than she remembered. Frowning, she wondered how she was able to heave it into the boat earlier. Maybe it was just waterlogged now. Suddenly her cell phone vibrated, signaling an incoming call. Her sister’s picture flashed on the display.

“Oh no, now what?” she muttered as she lifted the phone to her ear, “Natie? Hello?”

“I’m so sick of his ass,” Natie mumbled.

Becki heard her sister sniffing and knew she was crying, again, over that idiot.

“He thinks he can just do whatever he wants, and I should be ok with it. He gets mad when I ask where he is going and what he is doing, but is it any wonder I don’t trust him! He’s been texting someone all evening. I know it’s that bimbo from the restaurant downstairs.”

“Oh Natie, I’m sorry. Do you want me to come over?” Becki offered.

“No,” Natie answered, “you don’t need to come all the way downtown.”

“I know you’re probably not in the mood to hear this, but you deserve better than that jerk,” Becki said, feeling her face turn red with anger. “I would dump his lame ass in a hot minute.”

“I know,” Natie sniffed again. “Well, I hear him swiping the key card now. He’s probably so drunk he has it in backwards. I need Copyright 2016 - 2024