Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,79

by my left tit, I’d dare say these guys have just come from shop class. Though, if I were to put my money on it—not that I have any—I’d say these guys didn’t learn a damn thing while in their shop class. I’ve spent years around boys fixing up stolen cars and Harleys and these guys wouldn’t know the difference between a hammer and a wrench.

“Get your dirty as fuck hands off me,” I say, pushing the dickwads hand off my shoulder and scowling at the black marks left on my white blouse. I clench my jaw. Maryne is going to give me hell for that.

“Come on, Jade. Play with us,” the guy says as his friends move in closer. “We just want to have a little fun.”

I let out a groan. Judging by the way he keeps emphasizing the name ‘Jade’ I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that whatever bullshit plan he has in place is a crime of passion. He wants to impress Colton and by doing that, it means getting at me. “If you want to have fun, then go home and find the inflatable doll hiding under your bed. The five of you could gather around and take turns. It’ll be like your very own gang bang.”

“We’d rather chill with you.”

Fuck this. I’m only a couple of meters away from the student parking lot. I just have to get to Colton’s car, find the douchebag in question and hide out in his Veneno then it’ll all be over. They’re insane if they think I’m about to entertain their bullshit. “You know, I just checked my schedule and unfortunately, you’re shit out of luck. I’m actually super busy right now. We’ll have to do it another time.”

“Come on, babydoll. Don’t be like that,” one of the guys to my right says with a sick tone to his dark voice as I start weaving through cars. “We just want to play.”

I stop by Charlie’s cherry red Ferrari and turn on them, only they keep coming and my back is pushed up against the passenger's side door. “What the fuck is your problem?” I ask, scanning over all of them. “How specific do I need to be? But don't worry, I’ll use small syllables because clearly, your understanding is lacking. Here goes. Are you ready?” I glance around, laying the sarcasm on thick. “You. All. Need. To. Fuck. Off.”

I find Colton making his way down here and surprise, surprise, his eyes are already locked on my situation but with the lazy way he strides toward the parking lot, he’s not going to be much help. I wouldn’t be surprised if the fucker pulled out a box of popcorn and got comfortable for the show. Charlie is there though and at least he shows a little concern, but it’s not like he’s making a move to help me out.

I don’t need them anyway. As Colton said, I always play the victim, and as far as I’m concerned, that bullshit is a thing of the past.

“Now, now, Jade,” the guy says, forcing my attention back to him and making a scowl appear on Colton’s face as he hears his nickname for me being used. “There’s no need to be like that. I see how this looks and I swear, our intentions are good.”

It’s the oldest fucking trick in the book. Declaring your good intentions is about the same as saying ‘Hey, I’m here to fuck things up.’

I push up off the edge of the Ferrari and take the Colton wannabe by the shoulders before slamming my knee up into his junk. “Maybe I wasn’t clear enough for you,” I yell as he buckles over and howls in pain. “I asked you kindly to fuck off. You don’t want to see how I demand shit.”

The guy’s head is down by my crotch and despite having spent a good portion of my day watching Spencer and Colton have it out, this takes the prize of being my favorite moment of the day. “Fucking bitch,” he growls low before turning to his friends. “Fucking do it.”

Do it? Do what?

My head whips to them to find them all moving in closer and crowding me against the Ferrari. “Get off me,” I scream, having absolutely no idea what they plan on doing.

“HEY,” I hear Charlie’s voice booming, still too far away.

“Not so fucking tough now, are you, princess?” One of the guys murmur right against my face as I feel one Copyright 2016 - 2024