Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,78

sleep over though. After all, I’m determined not to be a victim.

Spencer backs off a step and it’s just enough space for me to slip past him and to be met by Milo who checks me over and holds a cold drink bottle to the side of my face.

“What are we going to do about this?” Spencer asks, staring down Colton as though it’s his fault that his dad decided to fuck a 22-year-old skank.

Colton shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know. Fucking leave it, man. He’ll get bored of her and fuck her off in a month or two. In the meantime, he gets his dick sucked and she gets to go shopping on his credit card. Hell, if she lasts three months, he’ll even give her a nice check to keep quiet.”

Spencer drops a shoulder and a loud roar comes tearing out of him as he slams into Colton’s stomach. The two of them go slamming into the wall and put a big hole in the drywall. Fists start flying and I thank whoever lives above that I was able to slip out of there before this bullshit went down.

Shit quickly gets out of control. “Fuck,” Charlie grunts, loosening his tie and going in after them. “Why’s it always me who has to break it up?”

And just like that, he dives in and the rest of the class crowds around, ready for the show.

Chapter 17

I walk out of the school watching as Milo pulls away to go to whatever business meeting his father had planned for him to sit in on this afternoon. I have to admit, I feel kind of sorry for the guy. Since our performance on Saturday night, his dad has been all over him like a rash. Now that he’s confident that his son is as straight as an arrow, he’s suddenly proud and while Milo loves his father’s attention, the reasons for it are heartbreaking.

I can’t understand why people on this side of the world have such a hard time adapting to the LGBTQ community. It’s not as though it’s just sprung up out of nowhere. Hell, most of the celebrities they’re inviting to their fancy parties are gay so why should it matter if one of their own is too?

It makes me so angry for Milo. He deserves better. In this day and age, he shouldn’t be forced to hide in the closet. He should be loud and proud of the man he is.

I let out a deep sigh as his car fades from view. He practically ran out of here the second the bell sounded but I get it. No matter who your father is, sometimes you just need his attention. Hell, I know I’d do just about anything to spend time with my father right now. If I knew my time with him was limited, I would have been sure to spend every waking moment by his side.

Damn, I hope he knew how much I loved him.

I start making my way down to the student parking lot. I’m most likely setting myself up for a fail here, but if I just happen to catch Colton in a good mood, he might just let me catch a ride with him. My chances aren’t great seeing as though he and Spencer went at it in Math class today. I’m sure both their parents have heard about it which could only mean that Charles is waiting for him in his office, and hell, we know how their ‘discussions’ usually pan out.

“Sup, Jade?”

What the fuck? That isn’t Colton.

I whip my head around at the sound of the guy’s voice with my senses on high alert. No one calls me Jade except for Colton and he only does it because he knows how it annoys me and refuses to stop. Hell, I still haven’t worked out why he calls me Jade but right now, that’s not my issue.

Five guys come and hover around me while the one who had called me by Colton’s irritating name comes right up into my personal space and throws an arm over my shoulder. I don’t know these guys but I’ve seen them around school. They’re complete douchebags and what’s more, they completely idolize Colton.

Just fucking great. This couldn’t be good and seeing as though no one here is aware of the strange little thing Colton and I have got going on, this could only mean bad news.

The guys smell of grease and judging by the dirty hand that’s dangling down Copyright 2016 - 2024