Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,103

my sensitive skin as his fingers pick up their pace. He adds a third finger and a loud, guttural groan is pulled from deep within me.

“Colton,” I pant. “Yes.”

My orgasm creeps closer. I feel it there, so desperate to let it go. It builds higher and higher and every touch has me needing more. It’s torture. Sweet, sweet torture.

Freezing water begins to pool around me and my eyes fly open only to find myself staring up at the starry sky. What the actual fuck. I go to start looking around and find my mattress completely soaked and quickly sinking into the pool.

A loud gasp tears out of me and I throw myself to my feet on top of the mattress. The cool air of the night quickly hits my skin and freezes my wet body. I have to jump. I’m right in the fucking middle, but more importantly, how the fuck did I get here? I might have drunk way too much at that party but I can guarantee that I didn’t drag my mattress out here and decide to sleep in the middle of the fucking pool.

Laughter catches my attention and my head snaps up.

My fucking question is answered.

The four fucking douchebags of Bellevue Springs sit around the pool with a fire burning watching my struggle. Without a doubt, I know that they snuck into the pool house and somehow lifted my mattress off my bed with me sleeping on top of it.

Fucking pricks.

Chills sweep through my body. I hadn’t minded so much when it was Colton sneaking into my room while I slept. Yeah, I was vulnerable but for some stupid reason, I trusted him not to hurt me. Spencer and Jude in my room while I sleep? Yeah, that’s different.

“Were you having a sex dream?” Charlie yells out, laughing and making the others snicker even more.

Fuck. Please don’t tell me I said anything in my sleep that I'm going to regret.

I look at Colton and from the smug look in his eyes, it’s damn clear that I had and they know exactly who I was dreaming about. Shit, I might as well own it. I look back at Charlie with a cocky grin. “So, what if I was? It’s not like it was about you.”

His face falls and just as I go to celebrate my win, the mattress completely submerges and I fall deep into the cold water.

Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck. It’s freezing in here. What the hell happened to it being a heated pool? Where’s the fucking hot water when you need it?

I break the surface and suck in a deep breath. The party-goers are well and truly gone and seeing as though it’s not completely pitch dark out here, I’m going to assume that it's creeping up to six in the morning.

I trudge out of the pool and glare at each of them. “I fucking hate you pricks.”

“Don’t worry, Jade,” Jude spits, using Colton’s name for me and somehow making it sound like degrading trash in the process, but judging by the scowl on Colton’s face, he doesn’t appreciate it. “We don’t like you either.”

“Speak for yourself,” Charlie mutters, getting up and meeting me with a towel in hand.

I take it from him without so much as a thank you and quickly wrap it around my freezing body. Desperately needing to warm up and not wanting to wake mom, I huddle around the boys' fire. Soon enough, I find myself being pulled down beside Charlie, who doesn’t seem too put out by the fact that my sex dream wasn’t about him.

It’s not as though I’ll be able to get back to sleep after that, even if I did have a bed to sleep in. I swear, Colton better have it replaced by tonight otherwise I’ll be taking his bed and he can sleep on the mattress at the bottom of the pool.

The boys talk among themselves almost as if I’m not here and a strange comfort takes over me. It’s kind of like being back home and chilling out with my crew. For the first time I don’t want to hate these guys, though every time a drop of water falls from my hair and splashes against my knee, the anger rises back up.

I hate that I feel so comfortable here. I should be tearing my hair out, desperate to get as far as possible, but the thought of getting up and leaving doesn’t sit well with me. There are a million other options I Copyright 2016 - 2024