Tough Sh*t - Sheridan Anne Page 0,102

has some kind of claim on me and that shit is not about to fly.

I keep my gaze pinned on Spencer and gently lower my finger to my thigh. I watch as he zones in on it then I slowly begin sliding it up toward the promised land. I feel Colton’s heated gaze, just as heavily focused on my thigh as his friends but I don't dare look away from Spencer. This game is too much fun. “You think you can handle me?” I murmur, my voice low and full of seduction.

Spencer licks his dry lips as his eyes become hooded. “I know I can,” he says. “You won’t be able to walk after I'm through with you.”

I bite my bottom lip just to be a tease then open my legs wider. “Then what are you waiting for?” I whisper, knowing damn well these three boys can hear me perfectly well. They’re desperate for my every word. “Come and get it.”

Spencer’s eyes go wide as his brows shoot up. Hesitation filters through his features and I laugh under my breath. Charlie’s hand tightens again while Colton’s eyes seem to darken even more.

I scoot to the edge of the counter which has Charlie’s hand falling off my thigh then jump down. I cross to the other side and walk straight into Spencer’s open legs. His hands instinctively fall to my waist and I grin up at him. “Your hesitation tells me everything I need to know,” I taunt. “You're all talk, but what’s more is how easily affected you are. I didn’t even touch you and I had you eating out of the palm of my hand. You're weak, Spencer. Charlie might be willing to make a fool of himself and get screwed over in the process but at least he went for it. He didn’t hesitate.”

Charlie howls with laughter as Spencer's eyes darken in rage. He likes showing himself up. He likes being the guy who can do no wrong but being called out for his bullshit … no, that doesn’t sit well.

“Watch it,” he growls deeply.

I shake my head. “No, you watch it. The next time you come promising a girl that you have what it takes to make her scream, make sure you can follow through with the goods. There's nothing worse than getting into bed with a guy to find out he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and I’m sorry to tell you, Spencer, but you just proved in less than two seconds that you’re exactly that guy.”

I give him a sweet smile then push up onto my tippy toes and press a feather-soft kiss on his cheek before he has a chance to tell me to fuck off. “You’re sweet though, so there’s that.”

With that, I turn and walk away but not before stopping at Colton and resting my hand against his chest. “Same goes for you, big guy,” I murmur, capturing his deep gaze and holding it hostage. “All talk.”

Something flashes in his eyes but I don’t hang around to find out what because there’s no doubt in my mind that given the chance, he’ll be the one to follow through and if he did, it would destroy me.

Chapter 22

Colton’s thick fingers push up into me, making me groan deeply and hold onto him with everything I have, desperately needing more. They plunge deep, reaching me in places I never even knew about.

In. Out. In. Out. It’s the best kind of torture.

Why have I waited so long for this? I should have just let him have me that first time in my room.

My hand curls up around his back until my fingers are knotted in his messy hair. His thumb presses against my clit and starts making slow, painful circles that have my orgasm creeping up on me. He’s barely touched me. How is it possible to be so close to the edge already?

Colton’s hand grabs the base of my neck and tightens. I suck in a breath and meet his heated gaze. Hazel pools of desire look back at me and I want to drown in them, swim in their depths until he completely claims me.

Yes. Fuck. This is everything.

My chest presses up against his and he stretches out his fingers against my neck, his thumb pushing up against my jaw and forcing my head aside. His full lips instantly take advantage, kissing me below my ear and turning every nerve ending into a writhing mess of elation.

His tongue starts working over Copyright 2016 - 2024