Torn Page 0,69

I was too weak, and he knew it.

He finally dropped his folded arms, and spoke, "It's like a drug. You'll crave my blood and want more. And you already know the rest - the more Valefar blood you ingest, the more likely you'll become one of us."

All the breath was sucked from my body. The pit of my stomach went cold as I bent in half, grabbing my stomach. A storm of emotions erupted inside of me. Why didn't Collin tell me? Why did Eric do this? I should have listened to Al. I screamed, and looked up at him. My eyes pooled violet. I could feel the heat in every inch of my body.

"Take it away. Undo it. Now," I hissed.

Eric stood in front of me and was completely unprepared for what happened next. I launched myself at him, but this time my attempt wasn't halfhearted. My fingers grabbed my silver comb, elongating the blades as I threw myself at him. The silver tines ripped across his chest as he attempted to move, but he wasn't fast enough. The momentum of my movement sent us flying across the room when our bodies collided. I had extra power, but I was unsure of where it came from or how long it would last. I didn't care. For the instant, I was much stronger than Eric. I pinned him to the floor with ease. Inhaling sharply, I swung back my comb, ready to thrust the blades through his throat. Ribbons of blood flowed from the hissing wound in his chest, and filled the air with an alluring aroma.

Transfixed, I stared at the wound, with my weapon poised over my right shoulder, ready to sever his neck. In that moment, I saw what I was - who I'd become. Anger filled my body, and mingled with lust for the boy's blood - the boy who was pinned beneath me - the boy who saved my life more than once - the boy I turned Valefar.

Disgust crept through me as my thoughts collided with my actions. The weight of my arms grew so heavy and I was so disgusted with myself. The silver slipped from my fingers and the comb clattered to the floor. Sliding off of Eric, I sat down hard and pushed my flaming purple hair out of my face. What was I doing? I didn't want to kill Eric. What was I doing? Fear coursed through my body wildly, subduing the anger. Swallowing hard, I looked up at him. Eric sat across from me, watching. He said nothing. He didn't move, or do any of the things that I'd expect the new Eric to do. He just sat opposite me, with his jaw hanging open slightly, watching me.

My fingers threaded through my hair and pulled. After a few seconds I couldn't tolerate his gaze anymore. "You know exactly what you're doing! You always have, Eric. You're so damn smart that I was glad we were on the same side before - even though you hated my guts for most of that time." I pulled my hair out of my face and drew my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my ankles.

"Mmmm. But, I was wrong. It didn't matter how smart I was because I was just severely wrong." He hesitated before asking, "My blood had no effect on you just then? Did it?"

Staring at him, stunned, I replied without thinking, "I wanted it, but it didn't stop me." I could admit that I was an addict. It wasn't my fault that Eric forced blood down my throat. I wanted his blood, but something else was dominating me.

"What did?" Eric asked.

Swallowing hard, I knew exactly what stopped me, but I wasn't telling him that. Becoming the sword yielding bitch that kills everyone scared me more than anything. And again, Eric was proof that I was capable of becoming her completely. Not killing him, kept her away for another day. It helped make sure that I wouldn't become the Prophecy One that much sooner. Instead of answering him, I threw back, "How'd you shatter the chains? In the diner - when they trapped you - you should have been screaming in pain. But you weren't, and then the chains shattered like glass. What'd you do?"

He shook his head, not wanting to tell me. His eyes narrowed to slits as we stared at each other, both wanting information, but neither of us wanting to give it. Finally, he suggested, "A Copyright 2016 - 2024