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Trying to look up at him defiantly, I growled, "What'd you do to me?"

The corner of Eric's mouth pulled up into a crooked smile. It reminded me of the old Eric, but with an evil twist. "Blood. What else?" He shook his head, shocked that I didn't know. "Do you seriously not know?" I shook my head and instantly regretted it.

"I feel like I have a hangover," my fingertips pressed into my temples as I looked down. Nausea washed over me as I pressed my lips closed. I'd not done any serious partying in a long time, but I recognized the effects. Damn, did he drug me? Anger erupted inside of me. I shot off the bed and threw a punch at his stomach, "You drugged me, you sick bastard."

Eric laughed, easily grabbing my wrist and twisting it until I screamed and fell back onto the bed. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling, too weak and nauseous to move. Eric leaned next to me. "Tell me why your boyfriend has no idea what Valefar blood can do. How could that be possible?" I didn't know what he was talking about and told him so. "That's just it. He should have known not to risk you, but he did anyway. What do you want so badly that it would be worth risking you?"

I turned slowly towards Eric. The room swirled around him before settling. I pressed my eyes closed, willing it to stop spinning. That was when I felt warm fingers press gently on my eyes, and before Eric said, "Open." I did as he said, and the spinning stopped. Blinking, I looked at him.

His short hair had grown out since the last time I saw him. He didn't wear it neat and parted anymore. It was wild and messy. The dark clothing he wore made his skin seem paler, but it made his eyes glow bright gold. Eric's mouth twitched into another smile, "Like what you see?"

My stomach fluttered and I looked away. I moved to sit up and Eric didn't try to stop me. The room no longer spun at all, but my head was still throbbing. "If you didn't drug me, then what'd you do to me?"

Eric sighed and sat up next to me. "Blood, Taylor. You're an addict now. Get used to it." He rose and walked over to a bookcase. The room I was in was very different from the last skeevy hotel room he took me to. This room was almost completely white, with dark wood floors, and white fluffy throw rugs scattered about. I was laid on a huge dark wood poster bed with white linens in the center of the room.

My jaw tensed, "What? What are you talking about? I'm not hooked on anything." In the past, that might have been a different story - some could have said I was hooked on boys and used them like a drug - but not now. My heart was racing, and I felt strange, like I needed something, but I wasn't sure what. The strange dreams... Being covered in sweat... My mouth hung open, ready to ask what he did to me, but too afraid to. I was acting like I was addicted to something.

Eric didn't shy away from the subject, though he wasn't gloating either. "You're addicted to my blood. You want it. That's why you feel like that. That's why you couldn't move when I captured you." He walked back to the bed where I was sitting and stood in front of me. "How did he not tell you how this works? What reason could he possibly have for not telling you?" An evil smile spread across his lips as he tilted his head at me, "Are you hooked on his blood, too?"

"No!" Rage flew through me. Collin didn't drug me so I would like him. I never felt like this with him - I never felt out of control and twitchy. But, why didn't he tell me? A frown slid across my face. What was Collin hiding? Something that had to do with blood... I tried to piece it together, but I didn't know.

Glancing up at Eric, I asked, "What does it do?" When Eric only looked at me and said nothing, I felt desperate. He trapped me and had some power over me now. Shit! Why didn't Collin tell me this! Anger coursed through me and I balled my fists, ready to rip Eric apart. But Copyright 2016 - 2024