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sense me. When would he turn around and try to convince me that he wasn't Kreturus? Would he be different and change the way Eric changed? I couldn't bear that thought. Collin's lightness, his playful nature, and his intensity were the things that drew me to him. His loyalty was the reason we were friends - that and he made me feel like I could survive whatever life threw at me. In a sea of storms, Collin had been my rock. But now...what was he? There was only one way to find out.

Collin didn't turn as I moved slowly toward him. Tension built in my muscles, and I wondered if I was going insane. Why was I approaching him? He didn't see me. I could have run off without him noticing, but something made me hesitate. I couldn't say exactly what it was; something about the angle of his downcast gaze or the slump of his shoulders. Whatever the reason, something was wrong. Somehow he failed to notice his own dragon. That seemed impossible. How could he not see something the size of a truck? All the while, the bond was doing weird things inside of me - stirring, pulling, calming - and he sat there like he didn't notice. Surely it was doing all those things to him too. Surely he could feel my thoughts only a few paces behind him, but he never turned around.

Silently, I stood behind him. His silken brown hair shone in the dim rusty light. My fingers reached out to touch his shoulder, but I hesitated. Right then Collin gasped, and turned so fast that I didn't see exactly what happened. It was as if his senses were delayed. He had to know I was there. My scent wasn't shrouded, the bond wasn't silent, and any normal person would have noticed a chick standing an inch behind him - but Collin didn't. He didn't notice me until my finger was nearly on his shoulder. When he rounded on me, he had no idea who I was. Recognition didn't flash before his eyes as he grabbed my arm and threw me into the wall. I shrieked and tumbled back against the rock, nearly losing my footing.

If someone threw me like that a year ago, I would have cracked a rib, cried, and fallen to the floor. But not now. I staggered and regained my footing before springing at him. Arms extended I launched myself at him and shoved him hard while screaming. I was angry, so angry. My emotions erupted out of my mouth in screams. "What the hell did you do that for? You had your beast drag me here, so you can attack me!" I shoved him again, but this time when my hands collided with his chest, Collin's fingers quickly wrapped around my wrists.

He jerked me toward him, and held me in his arms. I struggled to pull away, but stopped when I felt his confusion through the bond. Collin breathed in deeply, as if he couldn't catch my scent otherwise. "Ivy." It was like he just recognized me, but wasn't certain that it was really me. His eyes were strange, hazy like he was in a mental fog. Collin slowly pulled me into a hug, and pressed his cheek to the top of my head. When he released me, I staggered back in alarm. Something was definitely wrong. It was worse than before. Before he tried to convince me that Kreturus wasn't inside of him, and that I didn't see what I thought I saw. There was no way he would ever convince me of that. But now he wasn't acting like that any longer. I wasn't even sure if he knew where he was. He seemed so out of it.

Concern and suspicion mixed as I asked, "Collin? What happened?"

He shrugged. "Not sure. Everything is blurred. My memories are messed up." He looked at me, confused. "Some are like a dream - or a nightmare. You died. I saw you die in front of me. A fang from the Guardian slashed through your chest. I tried to reach you in time, but I didn't. You weren't yourself. You were screaming at me, and I couldn't save you." His eyes were glassy and his expression became increasingly vacant as he spoke, "It didn't matter what I did or what I said, you wouldn't let me near you. You were terrified of me." Collin's arms had folded tightly to his body. He Copyright 2016 - 2024