Tina (Clans of Europa) - Tracy St. John Page 0,19

bit of flesh attached to her pussy as he stroked deep. A combination of sensations, lightning strike and melting, overwhelmed her at once, causing her to squirm and cry out.

“That’s a good girl, Tina. This is how it should be between men and their Matara. Show us how much you enjoy being made love to.” Tukui was insistent as he squeezed her breasts in turn.

“So wet and warm,” Yorso groaned. “Better than anyone I’ve ever had.”

“Truly? You’ve been with a few of our own women.”

“She’s better. Soft but snug.”

“Fuck her well, my Imdiko. Make her glad she has us.” Tukui’s breathing had turned harsh. His face was flushed.

“My Matara.” Yorso’s face worked with emotion as he rocked within her, making her hot and needy again. “My beauty.”

She moaned in response. Like Osopa, the fullness of two male organs rubbing incredibly sensitive places. He held that tender piece of her between finger and thumb, fondling her into delirium.

“Come for me.”

“Please,” she sobbed, igniting under his care. She strained against the grips holding her for the beautiful torment. “Oh please, please, pleasepleaseplease—”

Inferno. She blazed with a secret fire, a different carnage than before but just as enthralling. Her sex pulled greedily at Yorso’s, as if it would devour him. He uttered a choked sound, thrusting harder, responding to her excitement.

“Sweet Matara.” Tukui’s breath was hot against her ear. “Where are the fools who spoke of repressed Earthers? You’re as eager as any woman claiming her rightful happiness.”

Yorso gasped. His rhythm faltered, then he moved faster than before. An instant later, he shouted, giving into passion.

Tina groaned as the last waves sank into a deep, satisfying glow. Her limbs tingled, and she floated on contentment. For something supposedly awful, sex felt amazing.

They weren’t done with her, however. It was Tukui’s turn. He chuckled as he noted her laxness.

“They left nothing for me, my Matara?”

“Your sacrifice has been noted,” Yorso sighed as he rubbed up and down Tina’s inner thigh, holding her ready for the Dramok.

“Maybe she simply needs a moment to wake up again. As well as a pain inhibitor, what with it being her first time.”

Instead of mounting her as she thought he would, the Dramok went to his discarded uniform and rummaged through the pouches on his belt. He returned with an inhaler and set it against Tina’s lips. She accepted it, feeling the many aches beginning their clamor. Moments later, the soreness quieted.

Tukui smiled, his expression pure warmth as he tossed the inhaler aside. Tina wondered at his kindness to a prisoner, especially given how ready his shafts appeared to be. Did it hurt to be that swollen and hard?

Instead on climbing on her, however, he stroked her, tracing over the still-trembling folds. Tina’s breath caught. The ache of losing her purity might have been erased, but she remained sensitive.

Tukui caught her reaction, and his smile widened. Dimples appeared in his cheeks. “It’s fun, isn’t it? Can you believe what you’ve been missing out on?”

She had no response to that. How could she talk about such things with these aliens?

Too late to worry about that. Much too late.

Concern nibbled at her, but Tukui’s touch kept it at bay for the most part. He brushed over the bit where most of the good feelings came from, sending a shard of bliss through her. She jerked in reaction.

“You always look surprised when we play with your clit. Haven’t you pleasured yourself before?” Tukui drew slow circles around it as he spoke, awakening need once more.

She shook her head. Touching oneself was the path to sin. She’d been told that over and over. She’d never understood why it could lead to her downfall until now. She hadn’t even realized it had a name. Clit.

Tukui bent to kiss the reddened nub. Lightning and melting again. She groaned. He gazed up at her with a smile that promised great wickedness. “Poor Tina. This is quite the revelation, isn’t it?”

He licked her there. On her clit. Tina whimpered as craving climbed another notch. No wonder Mother Superior had decided she wasn’t cut out for remaining at the convent. Maybe the convent’s head nun had sensed the young woman’s weakness for carnal deeds.

Tukui continued to lick and kiss her with slow care, reviving the passion she’d spent with his clanmates. It didn’t matter how wrong it was; she thrilled to the way his scratchy tongue laved her, making the sin meaningless.

She was lost, and no prayers could save her. When his fingers pushed inside her, she gave

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