Tina (Clans of Europa) - Tracy St. John Page 0,18

hips worked against hers, plunging with growing power as she adjusted to him. He rode her, his wet lips parted as he absorbed the sight of her lying helpless beneath him, his clanmates mouthing and groping her as infernal elation grew.

The steady friction of his flesh sliding through hers, the attention to the exquisite bundle of nerves he teased with his thumb, the hot kisses raining on her skin from the other two—Tina moaned and bucked as well as they’d let her. They held her with ease, emphasizing her vulnerability.

The storm had returned in earnest, the churning maelstrom increasing each second. Again, it seemed she must die, the ecstasy too much to be survived. Osopa grunted and groaned over her, all tenderness gone from his expression. He was an animal, the primal urge taking whatever humanity he possessed. He rutted like a crude beast, his jaw clenched as he pounded against her.

Osopa was fearsome. Tina’s hips bucked, inviting him to be rough with her. She exulted in the darts of hurt that came from his powerful use, an exquisite counterpoint to roiling delight. Something within her demanded he punish her, that he bruise her inside and out. When Tukui bit her nipples, offering shocking jolts of pain, she cried out for more.

“You must come for us,” Yorso murmured.

As if his insistence brought it on, it was happening again, that rising brightness that eclipsed all else. It expanded, feeding on Osopa’s violent pace. It tore through her in a blinding flash, leaving her screaming. Osopa strained as she writhed, then his shout joined hers.

As the crescendo calmed and gathered for another surge, she felt Osopa’s sexes jerk. Tina’s understanding of intercourse was rudimentary at best, but she knew enough. He was filling her with his seed, the final evidence of her fall from grace.

Her next convulsion was stronger. Then there were more, wracking her with pleasure as Osopa continued to thrust and groan. Little by little, they calmed, moving slower and slower until they were still, gasping in the aftermath.

He eased out of her with a sigh that told Tina he was as gratified as she. He paused, looking from Tukui to Yorso.

“My Imdiko,” Tukui nodded.

“Thank you,” Yorso whispered with obvious gratitude. He traded places with Osopa.

Tina voiced no protest. She offered no resistance. Whatever Tukui’s fangs had injected into her maintained its euphoric hold.

Why should she fight? The damage to her virtue was done, and the rigid lengths standing out from Yorso’s groin made it clear nothing less than surrender would be accepted. Despite Yorso’s flushed but gentle countenance and the reverential care he took as he positioned himself at her openings, her place was clear. She belonged to the Kalquorians, a servant to their lusts.

As sated as her encounter with Osopa had left her and as profane as the situation had revealed itself to be, she trembled with unseemly eagerness to feel another man inside her. Ravenous hunger had awakened in Tina, a craving that gloried in the understanding that she had no choice but to submit. It wanted her to be fed again and again by those who’d mastered her.

She had a new vision of being chained to the bed, her legs tied open so the men could use her as often as the notion struck them. Available to give them relief any time of the day or night, whenever their lusts dictated. A dark, exciting desire awoke at the idea.

Are these feelings why women are regarded as temptresses? Why we’re the base gender that destroy men’s innate goodness? Is that why the Church blames us when we’re raped?

She had no idea, and as Yorso slid into her, the question ceased to matter.

He was as long and thick as Osopa, filling her as deliciously as the Nobek had. Yorso sighed, his eyelids fluttering as her lower parts instinctively clenched his.

“Mother of All,” he murmured. “My Matara, you are paradise.”

“Isn’t she? Feel how her sweet, tight pussy clutches you. Play with her clit; she’ll massage your cock like nothing you’ve ever imagined.” Osopa’s lazy grin transformed his face. He no longer appeared an immovable statue. He was a cat full of cream, purring with satisfaction.

Tina wasn’t sure what many of the words were that he used. She understood Osopa had referred to her sex as a pussy. She’d overheard that word on Earth before she’d been sent to Europa. But clit meant nothing to her. And wasn’t a cock a rooster?

Her confusion didn’t matter when Yorso rubbed that still-engorged

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