A Time to kill Page 0,80

from the microwave at ten-thirty. Hanna was asleep. They talked about Leroy Glass and the white kid in the stolen pickup. About Carl Lee, but not about Lester. She felt better, safer now that Carl Lee Hailey was behind them. No more calls. No more burning crosses. No more stares at church. There would be other cases, she promised. He said little; just ate and smiled.

Just before the courthouse closed on Friday, Jake called the clerk to see if a trial was in progress. No, she said, Noose was gone. Buckley, Musgrove, everybody was gone. The courtroom was deserted. Secure with that knowledge, Jake eased across the street, through the rear door of the courthouse, and down the hall to the clerk's office. He flirted with the clerks and secretaries while he located Carl Lee's file. He held his breath as he flipped through the pages. Good! Just as he had hoped. Nothing had been added to the file all week, with the exception of his motion to withdraw as counsel. Marsharfsky and his local counsel had not touched the file. Nothing had been done. He flirted some more and eased back to his office.

Leroy Glass was still in jail. His bond was ten thousand dollars, and his family couldn't raise the thousand-dollar premium to pay a bondsman. So he continued to share the cell with Carl Lee. Jake had a friend who was a bondsman and who took care of Jake's clients. If a client needed out of jail, and there was little danger of him disappearing once he was sprung, the bond would be written. Terms were available for Jake's clients. Say, five percent down and so much a month. If Jake wanted Leroy Glass out of jail, the bond could be written anytime. But Jake needed him in jail.

"Look, Leroy, I'm sorry. I'm working with the bondsman," Jake explained to his client in the Intoxilyzer room.

"But you said I'd be out by now."

"Your folks don't have the money, Leroy. I can't pay it myself. We'll get you out, but it'll take a few days. I want you out so you can go to work, make some money and pay me."

Leroy seemed satisfied. "Okay, Mr. Jake, just do what you can."

"Food's pretty good here, isn't it?" Jake asked with a smile.

"It ain't bad. Better at home."

"We'll get you out," Jake promised.

"How's the nigger I stabbed?"

"Not sure. Ozzie said he's still in the hospital. Moss

Thrum says he's been released. Who knows. I don't think he's hurt too bad."

"Who was the woman?" Jake asked, unable to remember the details.

"Willie's woman."

"Willie who?"

"Willie Hoyt."

Jake thought for a second and tried to recall the indictment. "That's not the man you stabbed."

"Naw, he's Curtis Sprawling."

"You mean, y'all were fighting over another man's woman?"

"That's right."

"Where was Willie?"

"He was fightin' too."

"Who was he fighting?"

"Some other dude."

"You mean the four of you were fighting over Willie's woman?"

"Yeah, you got it."

"What caused the fight?"

"Her husband was outta town."

"She's married?"

"That's right."

"What's her husband's name?"

"Johnny Sands. When he's outta town, there's normally a fight."

"Why is that?"

'"Cause she ain't got no kids, can't have any, and she likes to have company. Know what I mean? When he leaves, everybody knows it. If she shows up at a tonk, look out for a fight."

What a trial, thought Jake. "But I thought you said she showed up with Willie Hoyt?"

"That's right. But that don't mean nothin' because everybody at the tonk starts easin' up on her, buyin' drinks, wantin' to dance. You can't help it."

"Some woman, huh?"

"Oh, Mr. Jake, she looks so good. You oughtta see her."

"I will. On the witness stand."

Leroy gazed at the wall, smiling, dreaming, lusting after the wife of Johnny Sands. Never mind that he stabbed a man and could get twenty years. He had proven, in hand-to-hand combat, that he was worthy.

"Listen, Leroy, you haven't talked to Carl Lee, have you?"

"Sure. I'm still in his cell. We talk all the time. Ain't much else to do."

"You haven't told him what we discussed yesterday?"

"Oh no. I told you I wouldn't."


"But I'll tell you this, Mr. Jake, he's some kinda worried. He ain't heard from his new lawyer. He's bad upset. I had to bite my tongue to keep from tellin' him, but I didn't. I did tell him you were my lawyer."

"That's okay."

"He said you was good 'bout comin' by the jail and talkin' 'bout the case and all. He said I hired a good lawyer."

"Not good enough for him, though."

"I think Carl Lee's confused. He ain't sure who

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