A Time to kill Page 0,79

the conversation to follow its own course.


"Is there a Lester Hailey there?"

"Yes. Who's calling?" came the accented reply from the Swede.

"Jake Brigance, from Mississippi."

"One moment."

Jake checked his watch. Eight-thirty. It was the same time in Chicago, wasn't it?


"Lester, how are you?"

"Fine, Jake. Tired, but fine. How 'bout you?"

"Great. Listen, have you talked to Carl Lee this week?"

"No. I left Friday, and I've been workin' two shifts since Sunday. I ain't had time for nothin'."

"You seen the newspapers?"

"No. What's happened?"

"You won't believe it, Lester."

"What is it, Jake?"

"Carl Lee fired me and hired a big-shot lawyer from Memphis."

"What! You're kiddin'? When?"

"Last Friday. I guess after you left. He didn't bother to tell me. I read it in the Memphis paper Saturday morning."

"He's crazy. Why'd he do it, Jake? Who'd he hire?"

"You know a guy named Cat Bruster from Memphis?"

"Of course."

"It's his lawyer. Cat's paying for it. He drove down from Memphis last Friday and saw Carl Lee at the jail. Next morning I saw my picture in the paper and read where I've been fired."

"Who's the lawyer?"

"Bo Marsharfsky."

"He any good?"

"He's a crook. He defends all the pimps and drug dealers in Memphis."

"Sounds like a Polack."

"He is. I think he's from Chicago."

"Yeah, bunch of Polacks up here. Does he talk like these?"

"Like he's got a mouthful of hot grease. He'll go over big in Ford County."

"Stupid, stupid, stupid. Carl Lee never was too bright. I always had to think for him. Stupid, stupid."

"Yeah, he's made a mistake, Lester. You know what a murder trial is like because you've been there. You realize how important that jury is when they leave the courtroom and go to the jury room. Your life is in their hands. Twelve local people back there fighting and arguing over your case, your life. The jury's the most important part. That's why you gotta be able to talk to the jury."

"That's right, Jake. You can do it too."

"I'm sure Marsharfsky can do it in Memphis, but not Ford County. Not jn rural Mississippi. These people won't trust him."

"You're right, Jake. I can't believe he did it. He's screwed up again."

"He did it, Lester, and I'm worried about him."

"Have you talked to him?"

"Last Saturday, after I saw the newspaper, I went straight to the jail. I asked him why, and he could not answer. He felt bad about it. I haven't talked to him since then. But neither has Marsharfsky. He hasn't found Clanton yet, and I understand Carl Lee's upset. As far as I can tell, nothing has been done on the case this week."

"Has Ozzie talked to him?"

"Yeah, but you know Ozzie. He's not gonna say too much. He knows Bruster's a crook and Marsharfsky's a crook, but he won't lean on Carl Lee."

"Man oh man. I can't believe it. He's stupid if he thinks those rednecks'll listen to some shyster from Memphis. Hell, Jake, they don't trust the lawyers from Tyler County and it's next door. Man oh man."

Jake smiled at the receiver. So far, nothing unethical.

"What should I do, Jake?"

"I don't know, Lester. He needs some help, and you're the only one he'll listen to. You know how headstrong he is."

"I guess I'd better call him."

No, thought Jake, it would be easier for Carl Lee to say no over the phone. Confrontation was needed between the brothers. A drive from Chicago would make an impact.

"I don't think you'll get very far over the phone. His

mind's made up. Only you can change it, and you can't do it over the phone."

Lester paused a few seconds while Jake waited anxiously. "What's today?",

"Thursday, June 6."

"Let's see," Lester mumbled. "I'm ten hours away. I work the four-to-midnight shift tomorrow and again Sunday. I could leave here midnight tomorrow, and be in Clanton by ten Saturday mornin'. Then I could leave early Sunday mornin' and be back by four. That's a lot of drivin', but I can handle it."

"It's very important, Lester. I think it's worth the trip."

"Where will you be Saturday, Jake?"

"Here at the office."

"Okay. I'll go to the jail, and if I need you I'll call the office."

"Sounds good. One other thing, Lester. Carl Lee told me not to call you. Don't mention it."

"What'll I tell him?"

"Tell him you called Iris, and she gave you the story."

"Iris who?"

"Come on, Lester. It's been common knowledge around here for years. Everybody knows it but her husband, and he'll find out."

"I hope not. We'll have us another murder. You'll have another client."

"Please. I can't keep the ones I've got. Call me Saturday."

He ate

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