'Til There Was You - Jerry Cole Page 0,41

video games – here, this is perfect!” He snatched at a boxed-up Nintendo DS and handed it to Finn. “You want to win father of the year, buy him that.”

“Right now, I’ll settle for him hugging me when I say hello,” Finn explained skeptically as he looked the Nintendo DS over. “Are you sure he’ll like—”

“You have a good eye there.” An overweight salesperson stepped in between them. He was very large, but also very excitable. “That there is the number one selling item this month. Did I hear you say it was for a thirteen-year-old?”

“Ah... yeah.”

“I’ll scan it up for you now then!” He threw his head back and laughed. “I’m just kidding,” the salesperson assured him. “But seriously, this is a hot ticket item. You’re trying to buy love? This is as close as it gets.”

Finn started looking a little more optimistic. His eyes flashed to Austin, and he smiled his thanks. “What if he doesn’t like it?” Finn then asked.

“Return it,” the salesperson said. “For cash or store credit. Honestly, if a thirteen-year-old can’t find something in here to buy, I’d check his birth certificate, because something is off!” More over the top laughter from the salesperson.

It didn’t take much convincing after that. Soon Finn was paying for the Nintendo DS and looking that much more relieved because of it. Indeed, a weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders and he was starting to look much more like his old self.

“Now what?” Finn asked as they exited the store.

“Oh...” Austin wasn’t sure what to say. They’d come to the store to buy Zac a gift and they had done that. He assumed they’d be going home. “I don’t know... I have nothing on...” he led hopefully.

“Shopping?” Finn suggested and winked.

“I guess you could twist my arm.”

Austin and Finn didn’t buy anything that afternoon. The day wasn’t really about that. Rather, they wandered from store to store, stopping to look at things that either one of them liked, which was nearly everything. That’s what Austin loved the most, how similar all their interests were. Like all of them. It was eerie.

“I’m going to live overseas one day,” Finn pointed out at one point as the two passed a travel agent.

“Oh yeah,” Austin nudged. “Whereabouts?”

“Asia somewhere – Bali, I would say. Honestly, I just want to get out of the country for a bit.”

“Me too,” Austin said while trying not to gush. “Anywhere in Asia... or Europe...” he then tried, hopeful that Finn would agree.

“I’d love to do Europe,” Finn continued. “God, I would – but the cost gets me.”

“Oh well, I guess you need someone to go with,” Austin winked before he could stop himself. “Split the cost of the room.”

Finn rolled his eyes but then laughed. “Easy there. Try any harder and you might just convince me.”

The only store that the two went in to that Austin felt out of his element was the tattoo parlor, and that was just because he didn’t have any tattoos... yet.

“I’m actually surprised,” Finn said as he looked around the parlor, admiring the different patterns displayed on the walls.


“That you don’t have any tatts. You’d look hot with tatts.” Finn spoke casually, still admiring the patterns on display like he hadn’t just inadvertently called Austin hot.

“Yeah... well...” Austin shrugged and tried to actual cool. “Truth is, I’ve always wanted them. I just never had that drive – what I need is someone to push me into it.”

“Is that a challenge?” Finn whipped his head around and raised an eyebrow at Austin as if daring him.

Austin’s eyes widened in shock. “No! I mean – not now. Like I do one day but—”

“I’m kidding,” Finn eased. “I’ll let you off the hook... for now,” he finished with a cheeky wink.

The day ended five hours after it started, with Finn dropping Austin back off at his apartment. There was no implication that he might come up, or any suggestion that today was more than a fun shopping trip. But Austin didn’t care. The truth was, he’d just had the best day of his life in as long as he could remember and he didn’t want to ruin it.

“Same time next week?” Austin asked as he climbed from the car.

“I’ll try and be on time,” Finn joked.

“Wouldn’t that be something,” Austin shot back.

The two said goodbye and as he stood on the edge of the road, waving at the car as is disappeared around the corner, Austin got the distinct feeling he’d be hearing

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