'Til There Was You - Jerry Cole Page 0,40

as a man ever had. But then his face dropped in shame. “I mean... technically. But I’m a lousy father, to use the term loosely. And after today, I’ll be lucky if I can even legally use that term – fuck!”

Austin thought quickly. “How old is he – your son?”

“Turning thirteen. So, I guess a trip to the strip club is out of the question,” he finished with a nervous chuckle. “Say, you don’t happen to know what a thirteen-year-old boy would want for his birthday, would you?” Finn could not have looked more desperate.

As for Austin? He was trying his best not to smile. Yes, he knew exactly what a thirteen-year-old boy would want for his birthday, and that was because he had a fifteen-year-old brother. Austin had always been close with his family, and even though his only brother was born when he was eleven, the two were still on very good terms. Just two years ago too, Austin had been in this exact situation, but had come out of it on top.

“Put some clothes on – actual clothes too. Not ones that make it look like you were competing in Bum Brigades Volume Four.”

“What? Why?” Finn asked with confusion... and a little bit of excitement.

“Because we’re going shopping – oh, and maybe a shower too,” Austin winked. “You smell like a teenager’s bedroom.”

Finn furrowed his brow for a moment, the wheels in his head turning. But soon enough he broke out in a relieved smile, and indeed even his body seemed to relax some. “Ten minutes?” he asked.

“You can have eight,” Austin joked seriously. “And then I’m leaving without you.”

“Perfect!” Finn spun on the spot and hurried back into the apartment. “I’ll be seven! Make yourself at home!”

Austin stepped gingerly into the apartment, not even bothering to hide the smile on his face. The day had started out great, taken a turn for the worst, and was now veering onto amazing. And sure, he wasn’t going to be getting another lesson in self-confidence and self-improvement, but he didn’t care. Honestly, he was just glad to be spending the day with Finn.

And they did spend the day together too, the entire day. From the moment that Austin turned up unexpectedly at Finn’s front door, right up until Finn dropped him off some five hours later, the two were together. There was no alcohol this time, no flirting, no talk of goals or self-confidence or any of the things they covered in a usual session. Rather, it was two friends hanging out and getting to know one another.

“So, what is Zac into?” Austin asked as they climbed into Finn’s car on the way to the shopping center.

“I have no idea,” Finn admitted.

“All right...” Austin furrowed his brow. “But surely, you have some idea? Is he a gamer? Is he into sports? Movies? Music?” Austin buckled himself in and turned to face Finn, expecting some sort of guideline.

Finn looked down at the steering wheel, staring at the thing like it was a life source. “I have no idea,” he said softly and into his chest. He was clearly embarrassed, which actually surprised Austin. He didn’t know guys like that got embarrassed. “Like I said, I don’t really know what to get him.”

“Totally fine!” Austin exclaimed excitedly. He could see Finn spiraling, and deigned to try and pull him up before he hit full depression. “I’ll figure out something. Now come on, start her up. We don’t have all day.”

Austin had expected Finn to protest, or tell him this was a stupid idea. Heck, it’s what Austin would have done. But his positivity seemed to work and soon Finn was smiling, turning the car on and looking like he had just a fragment of hope this might work out.

From that moment on, the day could only be described as fun, or a blast, or a darn good time. Although really, it was just Austin and Finn shopping together and enjoying one another’s company. There was no awkwardness either, or tension over the hand-job. In fact, it wasn’t even mentioned. And that wasn’t to say it was ignored, just that it didn’t seem to matter. It almost felt as if it was a natural occurrence.

The first thing the two did, was take care of Zac. For this, Austin led Finn to a gaming shop called EB Games.

“I don’t care what he’s in to,” Austin explained as he led Finn into the crowded store and toward the register. “If he’s thirteen, he’ll like

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