Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,13

cheered. “Invite the whole damn town.”

“I think all Brick is going to want is a feast fit for a king and maybe a wet and willing body warming his bed.” Dyno shrugged. “Though, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a big party.”

“Do whatever you guys want. I know Brick will appreciate it.” Quinn held up his hand. “One more thing.” Quinn pointed at Rhino. “You wanna explain why there was a cat in my bed this morning? I rolled over and came face to face with the little fucker.”

Rhino held up his hands, defeated. “Look, brother. I tried to tell Petra a clubhouse isn’t the place for a cat, but she is bound and determined to have that little shit. At least he’s friendly. I’m sure once he gets used to being here, it won’t be a problem.”

“Keep him out of my room,” Quinn warned. “There’s only one pussy I want in my bed.”

“Damn,” Rhino laughed. “You’re as coldhearted as Point’s wife.”

I hung my head and groaned. Of course, Rhino was going to bring up Deedra. All the talk in the van on the way back to the clubhouse yesterday was about her.

After we made plans to meet up tonight, Deedra kept her distance. She interviewed one of the volunteers, and then, she pretended to like a few of the other cats before they took off.

Deedra never was one who was mushy and gushy a lot. I didn’t know she was having problems with viewers thinking she was a bitch, though. I sort of looked at it as she needed to be professional and couldn’t be fawning and crying over everything when she was on camera, right?

Even when she was being serious and whatnot, she was still fine as hell. People needed to pull the stick out of their asses if they thought she was a bitch and not downright beautiful.

“Can we not talk about this?” I asked. There wasn’t anything to talk about. At least, not between the guys and me. Deedra and I were a different story.

There was a whole heap of shit we needed to discuss.

“We’re not.” Quinn hit his fist on the table. “Set up viewings of both places, Dyno. Meanwhile, the rest of you just stay out of fucking trouble, yeah?”

Dyno nodded and followed Quinn out of the room.

“If any of you fuckers decide that having the club in that funeral home is what you want, I’m gonna personally beat the snot out of you,” Core warned.

Sledge chuckled. “Well, in that case, I can’t wait to see the funeral home and tell Quinn it’s the perfect fit for Skinz.”

Rhino smirked. “You might have made the wrong choice by showing your cards on not liking the funeral home, Core. Now, we’re all going to vote for it.”

Core groaned. “You guys are fucking insane. Do you really think opening a strip club in an old funeral home is the best idea? The place where hundreds of dead people were laid to rest.”

“I think you might be confusing a funeral home with a cemetery,” I laughed.

Core shook his head. “You know what I fucking mean. That place is fucking haunted, and that’s why it’s so damn cheap.”

Zephyr pointed at me. “Hey, maybe we can play on that with the club, you know?” Rhino tapped his finger on his chin. “Call the main club area the parlor. Have the DJ called the undertaker? Really play this shit up.”

“You guys are all fucking insane. Thinking having a funeral-themed strip club is a good idea.” Core threw his hands in the air. “Bunch of sick fuckers.”

He stormed from the room while we all laughed.

Sledge stood and stretched his arms over his head. “I don’t know about you guys, but I am going to do everything in my power to make sure we get that funeral home for the club only because I then want to make sure Core works every fucking night there.”

“Fuck yeah,” Rhino agreed. “I’m all for giving the guy a chance to be a part of the club, but he also has to know that means he’s going to get a ton of shit from us.”

“I say we figure out where the place is and head over there tonight.” Sledge nodded at me. “What do you say?”

I grimaced. “I’d normally be more than game for that, but I got plans tonight.”

Rhino tipped his head to the side. “Plans, huh?”

“You can shut your big mouth,” I growled. “You didn’t need to bring up Deedra like you did.”

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