Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,12

whatnot, but the building is almost twice the size for the same price.”

“Why’s that?” Sledge asked.

Dyno shrugged. “It could be because it’s off the beaten path, or maybe it’s because it’s an old funeral home.”

“What?” Core gasped. “How the fuck are we going to have a strip club in an old funeral home?”

“It’s not a funeral home anymore,” Dyno pointed out. “Hasn’t been for about a year.”

“Are we really considering this?” I laughed. While I wasn’t freaking out about it like Core, I didn’t think it was the best idea.

Dyno shrugged. “From my background in construction, I know it’s got good bones.”

“It’s got good bones because there were fucking dead people in there!” Core seethed.

“Well, then I guess it’s pretty fitting we continue the tradition of having bones in there.” Zephyr smiled wide.

We all stared at him.

“Oh, come on,” he chuckled. “Dead bones, and then there will be boners in there if we make it a strip club.” He threw up his hands in the air. “I couldn’t be the only one who thought that.”

Rhino pointed at Zephyr. “There is something fucking wrong with you, brother. You keep this shit up, and you really won’t have to worry about being distracted by a chick. They ain’t gonna want you.”

Zephyr flipped him off. “That’s not what your mom said last night.”

Rhino chuckled.

“What’s the other place?” Quinn asked.

“Yeah, cause there ain’t no way we’re opening Skinz in a funeral home,” Core scoffed.

“It’s not off the table.” Quinn shrugged. “I just like hearing all of our options.”

“Our other option is we build the club.” Dyno looked around. “Right here.”

“We turn the clubhouse into a strip club?” I asked.

Dyno shook his head. “Not exactly. We would renovate the back half and add on.”

Sledge held up his hands and teetered them back and forth. “It would be nice to have the club right here, but then we also wouldn’t be able to get away from it.”

“You think that wouldn’t possibly bring some unnecessary drama to the clubhouse?” I asked.

Dyno shrugged. “I’m not sure of any of that. I just know we already own this.”

Quinn laid his hand on the table. “But maybe Point is right. We might not want to have Skinz literally in our backyard.”

“So, then, it’s the old restaurant or the funeral home.” Dyno sat back. “I personally vote for the funeral home. It has two levels where we could have the main club downstairs, and then upstairs, we could use it for private dances and whatnot.”

“And then the girls can have their dressing room in the old embalming room,” Zephyr snickered.

Dyno shrugged. “Possibly. That’s in the basement.”

Zephyr’s jaw dropped. “I was joking.”

“And I’m not.” Dyno drawled. “Forget that the place was a fucking funeral home, and then, you’ll see why the place will be good for Skinz.”

Quinn nodded. “Set up times for us to go see both places. I’m gonna veto building onto the clubhouse. I have enough to deal with already with just you assholes here. If we build on, then I’m going to be dealing with shit from the strip club twenty-four-seven. If it’s on the other side of town, I can at least leave there and not have that following me home.”

“I mean, I might like having one or two of the problems from the club following me home,” Zephyr chuckled. “If you know what I mean.”

“The only problem you’ll have is Rhino’s mom following you home,” Dyno scoffed.

“You really think Rhino’s mom is going to want to work at Skinz?” Sledge asked Zephyr. “I heard she had a hip replacement.”

“Say one more fucking word about my mom,” Rhino growled. “One more fucking thing, assholes.”

“Knock it off, idiots.” Quinn shook his head. “One more thing going on.”

“Here it is,” I laughed. “This is the bullshit coming.”

Quinn glared at me. I shrugged and sat back in my chair.

Our prez seemed to be at the end of his rope when it came to us cracking jokes. “Brick is out in three weeks. He should have been out more than a month ago, but some bullshit pushed everything back. If everything goes to plan, he should be here within the month.”

Dyno pounded his fist on the table. “Fuck yeah, brother. Now that is some good fucking news.”

Quinn and Dyno were the only two who had ever met Brick. The rest of us have just been going off of what we heard. Hell, none of us even knew why Brick was in prison.

“I think that calls for a fucking blowout party, huh?” Zephyr Copyright 2016 - 2024