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all. I thought you'd be upset if you knew the rest."

"Oh, believe me, I'm much more upset to hear it now than I would have been then."

"I'm sorry," I said again, not knowing what else to say. "It all just happened so fast. There was that fight with Aeson-"

"I know, I know. Kiyo gave me the details of that, though he too was a bit surprised to find out you can conjure up hurricanes worthy of Storm King now."

I shook my head. "I'm a long way from that. And once I started learning the magic...I just can't stop."

Now Roland sighed. "He's been by a couple of times."

It took me a moment to realize he meant Kiyo, not Storm King. "I'm not ready to see him."

"I know." There was a pause, and I think it took a lot for Roland to say his next words. "He's not so bad. Relatively speaking."

I gave him a sad half-smile. "Yeah, he's great." And I meant it...but something was bothering me about Kiyo, something that kept nudging me in the back of my head. I continued to ignore it.

"So what happens now?" Roland asked. "What are you going to do?"

I stared in surprise. "Well...what else would I do? The same thing I've been doing."

"What, running back and forth between the worlds, trying to act like you have some semblance of a normal life?"

The tone of his voice hurt me. "What do you expect me to do? And it's not like our lives have ever been normal."

He shook his head. "This is different. You can't do this. You can't literally live in two worlds."

I munched on my cereal for a moment to give me a chance to think. "I don't really see that I have a choice. That land is bound to me. If I neglect it, it dies."

Roland said nothing.

"Oh, come on! You think I should do that? Abandon it and let all those people suffer? You're as bad as Art." The mystery of what had happened to Art's body and to Abigail was...well, a mystery. No one had told me exactly, save that it had "been taken care of."

Roland's eyes flashed with anger. "No, I'm nothing like him. Don't ever make that mistake. But the gentry aren't our people. They aren't your people."

"They are now," I said, surprising myself.

He stood up, his entire posture weary and defeated. "I don't know what to think anymore. I don't know what to think of you. I don't even feel like I know you."

In all these years together, he'd never raised a hand to me. But in that moment, it was like he'd slapped me. "What does that mean?" I asked. I meant to sound defiant. Instead, my words came out very small and very scared, much like a pleading child's. I remembered how grateful I'd been to see him at Art's. My father. My protector. "Do you you not love me anymore?"

He'd started to walk away but paused to look back. His blue eyes took me in for several moments. "Of course. I will always love you. You're my daughter. But...I'm not sure if things can ever be the same."

Roland walked out of the kitchen, and that's when I realized it was time for me to leave.

Tim nearly knocked me over when I got back to my own house. My mom had called him to tell him I was okay when I'd first come to her place, but between my recovery week and the week at Art's with no contact, Tim had done a fair amount of freaking out.

"What happened? Are you okay? I dealt with Lara while you were gone. You would have been proud." I smiled, more pleased that he'd called her by her first name instead of "bitch secretary." "Do you want me to make you something?"

"You sound like my mom," I teased. "Always wanting to feed me."

He shrugged. "You're too skinny. And I don't say that lightly, considering the kinds of girls I go after."

He was right both about me and his choice in women. They'd fed me at Art's, but I'd hardly eaten any of it. I'd lost a lot of weight, and while part of me wanted to bulk back up by tapping the bag of Milky Way candy bars in my pantry, I knew I should probably be delving into some serious nutrition for a change. So, I dispatched Tim to cook up some steak stir-fry, a request he was more than eager to accomodate.

I spent the rest of Copyright 2016 - 2024