Of Thorn and Thread (Daughters of Eville #4) - Chanda Hahn Page 0,29

suss them out, so it’s always better to be truthful with her.”

Liam’s laughter halted, the smile fell from his eyes and he straightened his shoulders.

After Dorian and Eden finished kissing and celebrating the news, they ushered us inside. We passed through the main foyer and headed into a private sitting room decorated in blue and gold, with white vases filled with fresh flowers. A house-elf appeared from out of nowhere with a tray of food. I picked up from Eden’s thoughts that the house-elves were traveling by secret compartments and dumbwaiters within the walls of the palace.

I didn’t care for decorum and immediately helped myself to the finger foods, careful to avoid all of my pregnant sister’s favorite ones. I reached for a pastry roll, pulled back, and chose a mini cucumber sandwich Eden hated.

Eden sighed and picked up the pastry and put it on my plate. “Here, you don’t have to always think of others first. There is plenty for everyone, and I can always ask the servants to make more.”

Eden turned and warned Liam. “You have to watch her. She is self-sacrificing to the core, even to the detriment of her own health. It’s her greatest strength and weakness.”

Liam looked at me, his eyes softened. “I’m beginning to see that.”

I blushed.

Dorian turned to address Liam. “Is it true, the reports I’m getting from the north?”

“Yes, a blight has erupted and is spreading across the kingdom. It starts as a dark fog that moves from town to town. The fog blocks out the sun and makes it eternally night. Under the cover of darkness, creatures are roaming the lands. Giants, ogres, and trolls are outside their territory, and don’t seem in a hurry to return. It seems wherever the fog goes, trouble follows.”

I reached for a teacup and poured myself some tea. It had hints of lavender from the aroma, and I knew Eden had set out my favorite on purpose. Sitting back, I tried to listen in and follow the politics to learn more about the blight. Liam had been very secretive and initially told me the blight was a dark, ethereal fog. Now, I was learning the consequences of that blight on the kingdom itself.

“Just last week, the fog reached the town of Greenshire and many of the townspeople exhibited unusual symptoms, paranoia being the most common. Not to mention their crops stopped growing and their water system became tainted. They had to abandon everything and move farther south while a pack of cù sìth have claimed the land as their own now.”

Dorian nodded. “The cù sìth’s bark is worse than their bite.”

Liam winced and gestured. “I don’t know about that. I barely escaped my encounter with one alive. I can’t say the same for the beast.”

My head snapped up as they spoke of the legendary fae dogs. Large bull-size hounds with fur like grass. To hear one bark three times meant certain death. That Liam had survived an attack by one was no small feat.

“We’ve exhausted all of our resources, and the hedge witches and seers all say the same thing. It’s a vengeful curse. We don’t know who else to turn to, so I sought the House of Eville.”

Eden snorted. “Oh, now we are the House of Eville, are we? A few of the daughters marry up and suddenly we carry more prestige, whereas two years ago, most would have considered my family the blight on the seven kingdoms.”

Her harsh words brought color to Liam’s cheeks. “I admit, years ago, I would have agreed. Many have been blinded by prejudice, but I’m not.” His eyes fell across me and I felt a heat rise to my cheeks. “To save a kingdom, I can see the value in aligning with a common enemy.”

The rosy feelings I’d had moments before dropped, and so did my teacup as it clattered against the plate.

Eden looked over at me, her lips pinched in anger. She saw my hands shaking and read the situation. “Aura, I think this has been a trying day. I can only imagine how mentally exhausted you are by being in Thressia. Let’s get you settled for the night.”

Liam and Dorian stood as we exited. Liam made to follow me, but Eden used her newfound royal authority and froze him with a sharp look. I stood in the hallway as she went back inside. I could hear their hushed voices as they argued.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’d stay far away from her,” Eden challenged.


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