Of Thorn and Thread (Daughters of Eville #4) - Chanda Hahn Page 0,28

wonder how Dorian is taking it, being the new king.”

The gates opened, and I could feel the anticipation running through me at seeing Eden. I had missed so much and had only watched their wedding ceremony through the enchanted mirror. It wasn’t the best thing to have all the Eville sorceresses congregating in one kingdom. It might cause a war.

The transport pulled up in front of the manor doors and royal guards lined both sides of the runner that came down the stairs onto the drive. Liam helped me out of the transport and kept one hand on my elbow, shielding me.

The doors swung open and a tall dark-haired man in a white jacket and blue sash bounded down the stairs and slowed in front of us, his hand on his decorated sword.

“Dorian,” Liam spoke up in delight. “It’s good to see you, friend.”

Dorian ignored him, his eyes going to Liam’s hand on my elbow. “How is it you’re here?” Dorian asked suspiciously, walking around the two of us.

“I’m passing through. My traveling companion is visiting her family, and we hope to be on our way,” Liam answered.

“Silence.” Dorian waved his hand, cutting off Liam. “I’m not talking to you.” He pointed to me. “How are you standing here? Answer me, or I will kill you without a second thought.”

Liam reacted. He thrust me behind his back and drew his sword. “You will not lay a hand on her. I’m honor bound, and I will defend Aura with my life, even if that means against you, my friend.”

I laughed a loud, hearty laugh. Dorian chuckled until his laughter became higher-pitched and more like a giggle.

“Relax, Liam.” I pushed his sword arm down and stepped around him.

“What should I tell Mother?” Dorian asked. “She’s been calling our mirror nonstop. In case you showed up here.”

“Mother?” Liam looked baffled.

“Tell her I’m fine. That I will come home soon.”

Dorian’s head turned to inspect Liam. “And who are you, and what are you doing with my sister?”

“Sister?” Liam grabbed my elbow and pulled me into his side. “Aura, this is not Dorian. We must go. Something’s wrong here.”

I glanced at Dorian. “Should we tell him?”

Dorian pouted, an unbecoming face on a male. “Must we? This is so much fun.”

“Eden, there you are, my love.” A second Dorian came out of the palace and stood next to the other Dorian. He sighed when confronting the laughing feminine version of himself who had uncharacteristically thrust out a hip. “I will never get used to this.”

“I had to, darling. I heard that Aura was here, and I know with her gift that she can’t possibly come to Thressia. I thought she must be an imposter.”

“Couldn’t you have chosen the glamour of an old woman or a guard? Derek, even. It’s been a while since you tortured him,” Dorian said.

“Aura, what’s going on?” Liam asked.

I smiled and pointed to the perky Dorian who was now arguing with the non-smiling Dorian. “Liam, I would like you to meet my sister, Eden, Queen of Candor.”

He looked up just in time to see Eden’s glamour fade and shift. My beautiful blonde-haired sister stood before me in a dress of deep navy, a silver crown upon her perfect brow.

“Ah,” Eden screamed and threw her hands around me. “I have so much to tell you, Aura.”

And then the barrage of images and thoughts came at me. I had learned a long time ago to sort through Eden’s mind.

“So being queen isn’t as bad as you thought. He still calls you sparrow despite your attempts at blackmail. You should really stop with the glamouring of the house elves into giant dogs. He is going to find out, eventually.” I clapped my hands together. “Really? Oh, I can’t wait to be an aunt again.”

“What?” Dorian turned to give an accusing look at Eden. “Wife, are you keeping something from me?”

“Aura, I hadn’t told him yet.” Eden covered her mouth and looked at her husband.

“Oops.” I cringed.

“You sure know how to spoil a surprise.” Eden laughed and wrapped her hands around Dorian.

“Really?” Dorian asked in disbelief. “Truly?”

Eden nodded. “I wasn’t sure myself, but if Aura says so, it must be true.”

I nodded, feeling the little pops of happiness and contentment coming from Eden’s child.

“I love you.” Dorian nuzzled her and leaned in for a kiss.

Liam laughed. “So this is what it’s like to see Aura in action.”

Eden’s eyes shone with glee. “She really is magnificent. But it’s no use keeping secrets around her. She will always

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