Things Impossible - Susan Fanetti Page 0,35

control of himself, stop before anything got started. But she’d looked so goddamn sad—and then she’d pulled her sweater off, and she was so beautiful. And then she’d sucked her belly in so tightly, her muscles quivering, her ribs jutting out over a concavity that left the waistband of her jeans gaping.

She was so self-conscious about her body, all the time, yet she’d stood right in front of him and stripped off her sweater.

All that vulnerability was just too fucking much for him, and he was kissing her before any wiser thought could form.

Not just kissing her, but laying her on her bed. Following her down into the rich puff of her white comforter, breathing her in, hovering over her, his leg between hers, his torso on hers, his hand sliding from her face, tracing her sweet, soft, smooth skin down her throat—her pulse was racing—to her chest, her tit.

Oh fuck, her tit. In clothes, Lia had fantastic tits—firm and pert, full but not obviously heavy. Now, ‘fantastic’ was not a word worthy of what Alex had in his hand—or the sweet whimper that left her mouth to fill his when he brushed his thumb over the button of her tight nipple, with only the slim barrier of white cotton between them. He did it again, and she shuddered beneath him. Her chest heaved up, pushing her tit into his hold.

She felt amazing. Alex had been with his fair share of girls since he’d popped his cherry with a summer girl at fifteen, but this was different. Lia was different. He was too besotted with need to try to figure out why she was, but she was, and it was good.

The red flag came down. This was worth death. Alex pushed the cup of her bra up, freeing that amazing tit, and released Lia’s mouth so he could get a nice big taste. Plumping her gently with his hand, he ducked down, tracing the same path with his tongue that his hand had first taken. When he got to her chest, he lifted up to look. The room was still light with afternoon sun, and he saw her clearly—the pale, perfect skin, noticeably lighter than his own. The pale tan of her areola, gathered and tautened with her need.

Her need. Lia wanted him. This beautiful girl, so sweet and smart, so far above him, wanted him. And he didn’t think it was just lust. Lia wasn’t the kind of girl to chase a quick fuck. In fact, in the weeks he’d guarded her, she hadn’t been with anyone. She was choosy. And she’d chosen him.

He was the kind of guy to chase a quick fuck, but this wasn’t that. He wanted her. As he leaned down and filled his mouth with her tit, as he sucked her sweet taste and felt the shudder of her moan against his tongue, felt her leg hook over his hip, felt her arms twine around his head, Alex had never wanted anybody like this before.

Shit, he was risking his actual life for this.

He let that thought rise, faced it, set it aside. He honestly did not care if he was. At least he’d die having had this feeling. Having had this girl.

Slipping his hand beneath her ass, into the back of her jeans, holding her as close to his body as he could get her while he sucked and licked and nipped at her tit, Alex stopped thinking about anything beyond right now.

Lia was moaning on every exhale, tiny little vibrato gasps in perfect time with the tempo of his mouth. Her hands had left his head and scrabbled at his hoodie, dragging it up until she was thwarted by his arms.

Reluctantly, Alex gave up his feast, leaving her tit with a final light kiss. He rose onto his knees above her and pulled his hoodie and t-shirt off both at a go, tossing them away.

Lia lay beneath him, flushed and gasping, her gorgeous eyes flaring wide as she looked at him.

Alex felt a little self-conscious himself, it turned out—and was glad to see those green gems under her heavy lids sparking greedily. He worked out. The work he did, mundane warehouse work or anything else, required a lot of physical strength, so he’d made himself as strong as he could. He’d never be one of those muscle-bound guys covered in veins, but he was strong—and, yeah, he liked to look good, too.

Lia sucked her belly in again, and one hand brushed over the Copyright 2016 - 2024