Temptation on Ocean Drive - Jennifer Probst Page 0,106

and eased some of the rawness. They were right. As badly as he’d wanted Bella, he couldn’t go back to the person he’d been around his father, chasing someone’s approval and love. It was time to truly let the past go and seize on a future that could make him happy.

“Thanks, guys. Appreciate you trying to get my head right.”

“Will you think about taking that job now?” Pierce asked curiously. “Now that it’s over between you both?”

Gabe had obsessed over the question all week. Signs seemed to point toward building a new life away from Bella and the small town that could be restricting his opportunities. But one morning, as he’d sat by the ocean and pondered his future, picturing himself working and living in a fast-paced environment again, the answer came from deep within. A peace that told him as bad as things were right now, he was already home.

He loved working for Sunshine Bridal, where he was looked upon as family rather than a sales check. The beach had soothed his soul, until sand under his feet became a vital piece of home. He loved dealing with small-town vendors and going into a restaurant where people greeted him with affection. Yes, it was also maddening sometimes, but when he thought of leaving, his heart rebelled. Over the past three years, Cape May had become part of him.

His fingers tightened around the glass. “I should. It’s more money. I’d get to lead my own team. I wouldn’t have to worry about small-town gossip, or be stuck working with a woman I’ll probably always love who doesn’t love me.”

His friends stared at him. “Will you?” Pierce asked again.

He gave a long sigh. “Nah. I’d rather stay here, where I belong.”

Carter punched his arm in male comradery. “Good. ’Cause we’d miss you too much, dude. Who’d be our third? A group needs at least three people, and I don’t like anybody else.”

“Is it okay to say I love you guys?” Gabe asked.

“Only if we’re drinking.”

Carter poured a few more fingers of tequila, and Gabe drank, feeling grateful for good friends.

Bella heard her name, but she was deep into her closet project. She currently had every pair of shoes pulled out, along with every coat, loose scarf, pair of gloves, hat, and dress jacket. They lay in a heap on her bed, sorted into piles of keep, trash, and donate.

“In here!” she called out. Next up were her drawers, then the pantry, and her bathroom vanity would be the finale. She hadn’t spring-cleaned in way too long, and it was time to get the place completely immaculate.

Taylor peeked her head in. “What’s going on?”

“Spring-cleaning,” she said, lifting up a red ankle boot with a large gold buckle. “Do you want these?”

Her sister wrinkled her nose. “Hell no. They’re old and look like they’re from the nineties. I wear combat boots.”

Bella threw it into the donate pile. “What do you need?”

“To talk. Where’s Zoe?”

“Playing in her room. We’re going out for dinner later. Wanna come?”

“Nope, got a date.”

A sliver of jealousy pierced her heart. “Good for you.”

“We’ll probably have amazing, mind-blowing sex later,” she continued. “It feels good to cuddle with a man sometimes, doesn’t it?”

The memory of Gabe surging inside her, gaze locked on hers, fingers interwoven while he took her to orgasm, crashed into her mind. She jerked, rubbing a fist over her eyes in an attempt to ward off the agony. “Sure. Have fun.”

“Miss Gabe, huh?”

She let out a shocked gasp. “You did that on purpose! Why are you needling me? Is that why you’re here—to stick your nose in my business just so you can sleep better at night?”

Taylor sat down on the bed. “Yeah. Tell me everything.”

She glared at her sister. “At least Avery respected my privacy. I told you both it didn’t work out, and we were just taking some time apart to deal with it. No big deal.”

Taylor snorted and crossed her legs, like she was settling in for a good campfire story. “Liar. I gotta admit, you threw me on this one. Usually, you’re the calm one, and sure, you like your privacy, but you’ve never shut us both out like this before. Not since Matt died.”

Bella winced. For months, her sisters had desperately tried to reach her, but she’d shut herself into a deep, dark, silent hole where nothing could touch her. “That was different,” she said stiffly. “This is just a breakup. I’m sure everyone knew it wouldn’t work out anyway. I mean,

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