Tell Me a Truth - CoraLee June Page 0,95

error,” he began. “Let’s try. I mean really try. A day at a time. A month at a time. A year at a time. Let’s do what we’re doing until it doesn’t work anymore, then try something else. But know that you aren’t some classroom experiment for me. You’re not a theory or a test. Being with you is like discovering all the secrets of the universe. I just want to treat you like the precious truth you are, Blakely Stewart.”

Tears welled up in my eyes at his words, and I pressed my palm to his chest just to feel the beautiful, glorious heart beating beneath it. “Let’s try, Mr. Harris,” I conceded.

“Let’s try, punk.”



We got back to Memphis late Sunday night, and I snuck into her bedroom while Lance was blissfully unaware and asleep down the hall. I felt like an addicted dick, prioritizing my need to hold her twenty-four-seven instead of our promise to try keeping things between us a secret.

Worth it. It was so worth it. I’d never slept so well. She slept soundly, reaching out in the middle of the night to touch my bare skin. It was like even in her dreamy state, she craved being near me. I could relate to the desire.

I watched her as she softly snored, like a total creeper. I held her close when she whimpered lightly in her sleep, then felt her body soften and relax when I pulled her close. That citrus smell I loved was comforting as I breathed her in and drew circles with my fingers along her spine.

And since Lance had to leave for work early, we got to get ready together in mock-normalcy. I watched her slip on her uniform and rub lotion on her supple skin. She brushed her long, blonde hair while staring in the mirror. When she applied lip gloss? I grew so fucking hard I had to leave the room. It was mundane but sensual. I never wanted or valued something more.

I brought her coffee and read emails as she caught up on homework, our eyes kept finding one another across the table as she ran her foot up and down my leg. I slowly drove her to school, wanting nothing more than to drive around and hold her hand, but instead parked a couple blocks away. She kissed me on the cheek with a lingering press of her lips, those long eyelashes of hers tickling my cheek.

And I didn’t really believe in perfection. Maybe it was the scientist in me; I thought that everything could be improved upon. We were hardwired as intellectual beings to search for the best, but for once in my life, I didn’t feel like ripping apart the hypothesis of our relationship and scrapping it.

Blakely Stewart was perfection.

Today was perfection.

Maximillian Fucking Hemsworth, however, was not.

That preppy dick walked her into my class and gave me a smug grin that had me reaching for the pop quiz on my desk. I knew he was probably a good looking guy. He had charm in spades and was persistent as fuck. I didn’t even care that he had suspicions about Blakely and me. I wanted him to know.

I’d fail the motherfucker, I really would.

“Have a seat,” I instructed well before the bell had rung, mostly because Max was sitting on Blakely’s desk and twirling her hair on his finger. She blushed and swatted him away, but it was too damn playful for my liking. Come on, babe. Kick him in the balls.

I knew I was glowering at him, and I didn’t have a right to. Blakely promised me exclusivity, and I had to trust that. But I still didn’t like the asshole, and being a jealous bastard was in my blood. “I hope everyone had a good weekend. Today we’re going to discuss the genotypic ratio. Who can tell me what that is?”

Taylor’s hand shot up as she blurted out the answer. “It’s the pattern of offspring distribution according to genotype.” She looked smug, but I couldn’t be mad, because she was right.

“Correct. The genotypic ratio describes the number of times a genotype would appear in the offspring after a test cross.” I made my way over to the board while explaining, then hurriedly wrote an example down just so I could turn back to watch Blakely write in that adorably enthusiastic way. She always had her teeth sunk into her lip and her eyes focused on the page.

But then I spun around, and I caught Max looking Copyright 2016 - 2024