Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,46

this room can hear what we say in here.”

“Cool. How does it work?”

She was quite inquisitive. Unfortunately, I had no idea. I shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine. I just know it works. So whatever is said in this room stays just between the two of us, okay?”

She seemed to relax a little and nodded.

“Good. Do you want to tell me what you were looking for?”

She hesitated and I didn’t think she was going to talk and then she surprised me. “I think the Raglan have someone very important to me. Don’t ask me to go into details because I’m not going to risk them by telling you.”

The stabbing pain in my heart was back. I wanted to ask questions, but I refrained. I just prayed it wasn’t a boyfriend that she was harboring feelings for that had been taken.

My fox surged forward, and my jaw locked tight.

Susan noticed. “I’m sorry. I’m trying, but I can’t risk her life by saying too much. I don’t even know who’s side you’re on.”


Her eyes widened at her slip up.

“Not him? Her? Not a boyfriend?”

She quirked her head at the side and then she laughed. “That’s why you were close to freaking out? You thought I was protecting a boyfriend?”

I growled in embarrassment and frustration.

She only smiled bigger. “You’re cute when you’re jealous. No boyfriend.”

My shoulders sagged in relief.

“Why do you think the Raglan have her?” I asked trying to change the subject away from me quickly.

“She disappeared several years ago. There was no reason for it.”

“Could be a runaway.”

“No. She wouldn’t do that to me. She’s presumed dead, but I don’t believe it. I was looking into possibilities and came across someone online that told me about the Raglan. I didn’t believe it at first, but I started doing some digging and the theory is credible.”

“So, this is a shifter we’re talking about?”

She bit that damn lip again. I wanted to suck it into my own mouth and nibble it for her. Lust flared through me at the thought.

“Yes,” she finally said.

I was struggling to focus. This was certainly not how my usual interrogations went.

“Your turn,” she added. “Tell me about Westin Force.”

“Westin Force is a team of special ops groups that protect shifter-hood.”

“Like the Rangers or Seals or something?”

“Exactly like that. We recruit ex-military shifters often.”

“Shifters are in the military? Why? How?”

I shrugged. “You know we have just as many human tendencies as animal traits. Many shifters feel led to military units, especially those without packs.”

“Most animals don’t have packs,” she pointed out.

“That’s just a figure of speech, Susan. Even foxes often have familial units or live in communal areas for safety purposes.”

“I guess that’s true. So are you one of these special forces guys?”

“I wasn’t in the military if that’s what you’re asking.”

“So what do you do for Westin Force then?”

I grinned. “You didn’t really think you were battling bots when you cracked our firewall did you?”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “There were some,” she said defiantly.

“Yes, there were.”

“That was you?”

“Uh-huh. After several days of absolutely no sleep, I think I was half crazed when I begged Silas to let me track you down.”

“So that’s it? That’s why you came here? To find me?”

“Apparently in more ways than I realized,” I said unable to keep the heat from my voice.

“What’s going to happen now?” she asked softly.

“That’s up to you, Susan. I already told you that you can sleep in here in my bed or your own. Nonna volunteered her extra bed for you too, or I will get you your own room. Whatever you need.”

She blushed furiously and I would have given anything to be privy to her thoughts.

“I didn’t mean literally tonight,” she blurted out. “I meant after that. Am I in trouble? Are you taking me in for interrogations? Are you going to turn me over to the Raglan?”

I growled. “You are my mate, Susan. I don’t want you anywhere near the Raglan.”

I could see the relief that gave her. I was disgusted that she would even think such a thing was a possibility.

“I work very hard to shut down the Raglan. We’ve been taking their sites down worldwide. That is my teams number one focus.”

“But I thought you just did cybersecurity.”

I scoffed. “I’m one of the best of the best, Susan. That’s not pride talking, that’s truth. When I’m home I pitch in with the cybersecurity team. My unit does a lot of field work. I won’t lie to you. I’m gone often. If Copyright 2016 - 2024