Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,15

coffee with just a couple drops of peppermint extract. It was simple and delicious.

Could I have made that at the café? Sure, but I knew I had everything for it right here.

I loved the smell of the house with a fresh pot of coffee brewing. There was just something about it that made the space feel homey and comfortable. It was rare I felt that way in this house, but I knew Sage wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon so, for just a moment, I could imagine it was all mine.

Once the coffee had brewed, I poured a cup and doctored it just the way I loved. I sat at the little kitchen nook in the big bay window that overlooked the restaurant. It was perfect. If I saw they were getting too busy I could run across the street to help.

Shay had never understood that and if she had caught me slacking on my responsibilities all hell would have broken loose, but she wasn’t home.

I grinned as I took a long sip letting the hot liquid and caffeine course through me. I sighed happily.

It was sad to me that I was more relaxed without my mother around than I ever could have been with her at home. I knew that wasn’t how things should have been, but I had accepted a long time ago, that this was the life I was meant to live.

The gnawing ache of resentment started to surface but I pushed it back down. There was no sense in dwelling on negative thoughts that were out of my control.

Sometimes I thought that after Sonnet was back home safely and all of my sisters were happily mated and out of the clutches of our mother that just maybe I would break away from Shay’s clutches and go live my own life, but that seemed like a pipe dream so far into the future that it was entirely unreachable.

“Is that coffee I smell?” Sage said. She yawned and stretched as she fumbled around for a mug.

“You’re up early.”

She looked at the clock and frowned. “Why aren’t you at work yet?”

I sighed. “I’ll head over soon. I’m keeping an eye on things from here.”

She scoffed. “How?”

“Well, they just opened and only Mr. Ross is there. Trust me, my team can handle this. Just don’t tell mom, okay?”

Sage snorted. “Like I’d tell that woman anything.”

I gave her a knowing look. She’d rat me out in a heartbeat if it benefited her in any way and we both knew it.

“She took Sapphire with her and left me behind. I’m not happy about it. Your secret’s safe.”

Like I said, when it benefitted her.

“How are your classes going at school?”

She groaned dramatically. “I’m failing math again.”

“Sage, it’s not that hard.”

“Says you. You’re a genius. It comes easy for you. It doesn’t come easy for me.”

“You’re so smart, little one. You can do this. I can help tonight after work if you need me to.” I wasn’t sure why I was offering. Sage never listened to me.

She looked uncomfortable and wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Can I come to the café after school today and study there? Like you could help me when you aren’t too busy.”

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Sage had never asked me for help and avoided the restaurant like it was the plague.

“Uh, sure. You’re always welcome there and I’m here to help you anytime with anything. I hope you know that.”

“Thanks,” she mumbled awkwardly. “Can you make my coffee like yours?”

“Yeah sure.” I knew I was still exhausted when my eyes started to mist over. It wasn’t something greatly profound or life changing, but in some small way it felt like a breakthrough with my littlest sister.

I added a few drops of mint and stirred. She sighed contentedly and grinned after taking a sip. “It’s perfect.”

I refrained from reaching out and hugging her. I knew that would be taking things too far.

I glanced out the window trying not to let on just how much a small moment like this, really meant to me, and then I frowned.

“Looks like the morning rush is surging quickly. I better get to work.”

She gave me a sad smile and nodded.

“Have a good day at school, little one. See you tonight.”

There was a bit of a skip in my step as I walked across the street and into the café.

“Good morning,” I told Candace.

She grinned. “Aren’t we in a good mood today?”

“Sage actually asked me for my help. She’s coming by Copyright 2016 - 2024