Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,14

kidding right?”

“No, I’m not. That was the deal, wasn’t it?”

“Come on, Tarron. I need you on this mission.”

“You really don’t. This is important.”

“This is a damn personal vendetta.”

“Maybe,” I admitted. “But I’m not going to let it go until I have this bastard. Even if you force my hand, my head isn’t going to be in the game until I know exactly what this guy is up to. You’ve sent people out for a whole lot worse, even for personal cases. Do I need to remind you about Chase Westin in Seattle?”

“Do I need to remind you that it turned out to be a very important mission?”

“And maybe this one will too.”

He sighed. “You have one week. Do you hear me? One week, Tarron. Not a second longer.”


I wanted to jump up and cheer, but I contained myself. I was going to owe my Nonna big time for this one.


Chapter 6

I was so exhausted that I required sleep. I desperately wanted to go back in and dig around some more on that server I’d found. Maybe there were other folders with even more information. I had only spotted a few small things before having to leave it. My need for sleep trumped my drive to find my sister.

It didn’t happen often, but I had a pattern of wearing myself down to the point of utter exhaustion and I knew if I didn’t take a few nights off to catch up on sleep, it would start to quickly wear me down physically.

I knew my body’s breaking point and I knew to be kind to myself and not push beyond that line. I had this time, but not by much. It was killing me, but I was in it for the long game. I had to keep my eye on the goal, and I knew that if I didn’t take care of me, I could never take care of Sonnet.

The days seemed extra tiring too. Work was busy which was good, but Shay had been away for a few days off to some spa for restorative therapy or something. She’d taken Sapphire with her leaving me to hold down the fort with the diner and Sage.

It wasn’t like I didn’t do that anyway, but when they were home, I could at least pretend I had backup if I needed it. In truth Sapphire never minded pitching in and did so as often as Shay would allow her. I think she actually enjoyed the work, but our mother rarely allowed her that opportunity. She’d made it very clear over the years that manual labor was beneath Sapphire.

I was grateful my beautiful sister remained humble through it all. It would have been so easy for her to get sucked into our mother’s ridiculous notions.

Sage on the other hand was still young and impressionable. I wasn’t sure she actually drank the Kool-Aid Shay shoveled, but she was selfish enough to use it to her advantage whenever possible.

On occasion, usually as a punishment when nothing else seemed to work, Sage would help out with the restaurant, but it was rare. She certainly wasn’t going to volunteer for it.

I groaned when my alarm clock rang out. I turned it off and rolled onto my back, staring up at the dark ceiling. The sun hadn’t even started to rise and, despite having crashed the second my head hit my pillow, I was still tired.

Days like this made me dream of a better life. I’d take just about anyone else’s in that moment. I knew I had to be careful for what I wished for, because there were plenty of people in the world that were much worse off than I was.

Feeling guilty about that, I sighed and started counting off my blessings.

1. I had a roof over my head.

2. I had plenty of food to eat.

3. I had a family even if it wasn’t a picture perfect one.

4. I had money. More than anyone knew about, because I’d been taking coding jobs over the last year and squirreling away the payouts for a rainy day.

5. I was young, smart, and resilient.

Feeling better about myself, I got up and showered, then dressed for the day.

I knew Jimmy and his team had everything under control. Normally I would rush over there to help anyway, but today I decide to indulge a little. Sure, the coffee at Shay Vous was great and there was a lot of froufrou offerings and even the classic black coffee was good, but I loved basic Copyright 2016 - 2024