Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,11

we don’t move on this now, we’re going to regret it.”

“Has there been a threat?” he asked.

“You mean aside from a Raglan breech?”

“Archie said he couldn’t tie this to the Raglan.”

“Well someone wants our files and have been going to a lot of trouble to try and get them.”

“It’s probably just a bot,” he said dismissively.

“It’s not a bot,” I insisted. “I’ve been battling this guy for days. I’m positive it’s not a bot. I have the address. What harm comes from checking it out?”

“It could be a waste of time.”

“And what if it’s not?”

He sighed. I didn’t understand why he was holding back on this.

“Look, we have a briefing in an hour, but I’ll just lay it out for you. Jake got us a lead and we’ll be rolling out tonight. I can send Elliot’s team in to check this guy out if you feel it’s that important.”

I shook my head. “You don’t understand. I need to finish this.”

He sighed. “And I need you on this mission.”

“Will it require undercover work?”


“The mission. Will T be going undercover?”

“No. It’s just an in and out.”

“Then let her run point on security. She can do it. You know that.”

“So you’re telling me I don’t need you on the team?”

I growled. “You know that’s not what I’m saying. I’m asking you to let me go just this once and follow up on this lead. If it’s nothing then I’ll fly out and meet up with the team. But what if I’m right?”

“I don’t want you going in alone.”

“It’s one hacker. I can handle this,” I tried to assure him.

“But what if it’s not?” He grinned knowing he had me cornered.

I sighed. “What time are we rolling out?”

“Eighteen hundred hours.”

“Then give me this afternoon to see if I can round up a partner. I’ll check with the other teams and see what I can come up with.”

He looked annoyed but conceded. “Fine. But you’re not going in alone. I don’t need competence, but at least someone capable of picking up the damn phone and letting me know if you run into trouble. Are we clear?”


Elliot Masters was team lead for Echo team. They’d been having some issues lately and he was in the process of culling and rebuilding his unit. Silas thought they were incompetent, but he’d all but said I could use them anyway.

With a smile I made some phone calls. Echo team was stationed out of New Mexico. They did more than just shifter jobs. Before things had started going south, he had the team working directly with NASA and the Air Force to establish better networking capabilities and satellite access for Westin Force. He was a cool guy. I had always liked Elliot, but his men were the least wanted, bottom of the barrel on the Force and I knew he was working hard to fix that.

“Tarron. What can I do for you today?” Elliot answered.

“I’m wondering if you have a man or two you could lend me for a quick job. I hear it’s been hot down your way. Anyone need to cool off in say, Idaho?”

He scoffed. “You have a credible threat in Idaho?”

“Yup, firewall breech. I’m going up to check him out for myself.”

“So just a cybersecurity thing and nothing serious?”


“To be honest, Tarron, if it were any other week, I’d say sure. There’s always high stress around here and that sounds like a pretty basic, plush job, but we’re neck deep in this new development testing and I really don’t think I can, man.”

My heart sank with disappointment. “It’s cool. Worth asking, right?”

“Absolutely. Keep us in mind for anything that pops up that you need assistance with.”

I was sad to hear the desperation in his voice. If he didn’t get his team sorted out, there wasn’t going to be an Echo team any longer. We’d all heard the rumors. I felt bad for him. Elliot was a great guy and didn’t deserve the mess they’d handed him.

“Thanks anyway. I’m sure we’ll be in touch.”

I hung up the phone feeling defeated. After a few more calls that feeling worsened. None of the other teams could spare even one person. Before I knew it the hour had passed, and I had to report for briefing.

“Any luck?” Silas asked when I walked into the room.

I just scowled and shook my head as I took my seat.

He nodded, put the folder he had out back into his briefcase and pulled out another one.

I glared at him.

He gave me a smirk. “Hey, Copyright 2016 - 2024