Technical Threat (Westin Force #4) - Julie Trettel Page 0,10

did I would never live up to that woman’s expectations.

“You look like hell, Susan. Fix it before the lunch crowd rolls in. Wouldn’t want to scare off my customers.” She pursed her lips as she turned back and walked away.

As soon as she left, I sank back down into the booth and set my food back down. I took another drink of coffee and then pulled out my phone. I immediately went to her account, I doubted she even realized I had access to it. Just as I suspected there was more than ten thousand dollars in her account. There was no way the power bill had bounced.

I sighed and paid the bill through my emergency account.

I didn’t think she knew about those funds, but when she pulled shit like this it made me wonder.

Rosie came out to join me. “I swear to God I just want to bash that woman’s head in sometimes. You don’t deserve that, Susan.”

I genuinely smiled. I loved that even if my family would never have my back, my café family absolutely would.

“Thanks, Rosie.”

She left me to finish eating in peace. I wasn’t really hungry, but I knew if I didn’t at least eat something the others would worry.

I had two more people arriving for the lunch team. Before they did, I nibbled enough to at least appease Jimmy, finished my coffee, and went back to the staff bathroom to clean myself up.

I looked in the mirror and groaned. Shay was right, I looked like a walking disaster. My wavy ginger hair was poking out from a sloppy bun in multiple places. I cringed. I pulled the hair tie out and smoothed it back down with my hands, then chose a quick ponytail instead. I assessed myself in the mirror deciding it was notably better and good enough for the day. With a deep breath, and a smile I certainly didn’t feel, I walked back out ready to tackle the lunch shift.

Just like breakfast, lunch was busier than usual too. By the time it started to wane, I wasn’t sure how I was still standing. Jimmy made me lunch before he left and stood over me watching as I ate.

Michelle had arrived midway through the lunch rush. She worked from late lunch through closing.

“Good girl,” Jimmy praised. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Jimmy.”

My morning crew left as the rest of the evening crew arrived.

“Why don’t you go lay down for a bit. We’ve got this,” Michelle insisted.

“You know I can’t.” She was well aware of the tension between my mother and I.

“She wasn’t there when I arrived,” she offered.

“Not worth the risk. She’d freak out if she knew I abandoned this place for some ‘me time’.”

“That would be rich coming from her,” she growled.

I snorted, knowing she was right.

“Call Sapphire in,” she pressed.

I shook my head adamantly. “She worked yesterday.”

“So what? You work every single day, Susan, from open to close. It’s not right. You’re young, you shouldn’t be killing yourself from sunup to sundown like this. No one else works all day. That’s why we have shifts.”

“I know. That’s just not acceptable for me,” I said sadly.

“One of these days you’re going to stand up to that woman. Or better yet, your prince charming will arrive and sweep you off your feet and take you far, far away from here.” She grinned.

I laughed and shook my head. “That’s fairytale stuff, Michelle. Stuff like that doesn’t happen in real life.”

The dinner shift was actually slower than usual which just made it drag on forever. By the time the last table was wiped down and everyone had left, I was ready to collapse. I locked up, always being the last one to leave. I had a to-go box of dinner for myself. Usually, I brought home food for my sisters if they didn’t stop in for dinner, but I was too tired to care. I hadn’t seen a sign of either of them all day. Days like this made it hard for me not to be just a little resentful about it too.

The cold night air kept me awake long enough to walk across the street. I felt like I was sneaking into my own house just hoping no one would notice. I couldn’t handle dealing with my family tonight. I just wanted to get on my laptop, run a few checks on Westin Force, maybe eat a little dinner, and then crash, knowing I had to do it all over again tomorrow.


Chapter 5

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