Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,5

no, he doesn’t.

“Okay, people,” Liam said. “My name is Mr. Downs, or Downs. I prefer you not to call me Liam, it’s kind of unprofessional.”

“Sarah called you Liam,” someone said from the corner of the room. Blood rushed to my ears. I couldn’t look up, I continued to look at my notes.

“I live close to Sarah, so I met her before this.” Liam turned his back to us and wrote Mr. Downs on the board. His ass looked so right in those jeans. Damn it, Sarah. Stop it.

“So, as you know Mr. Evert is no longer here. He is leaving to go to a different school.” He flipped through some pages, biting on his lip. “Looks like he had a test planned for y’all today.” He shook his head. “We’re going to postpone it. It’s the first week of school,” he said, glancing over at me. I quickly looked back down at my papers.

“So, why don’t we have introductions today? Hmm? Let’s stand up tell me your name, where you’re from and what your major is. My goal is to get to know you all.”

He pointed toward a girl on the first row.

“Looks like we’re gonna have it better this semester,” Tyler said, leaning closer to me. “Mr. Evert seemed like a drag,” he whispered, pulling his phone out from under his desk.

“Yeah, easier,” I said, keeping my eyes on my desk. Taking a chance, I looked up. Liam was staring at me, and nodding at what the person was saying. Heat burst underneath my skin.

“So, I heard Cole hit it and quit it with Jamie.” Tyler shook his head. “He is such an ass. I warned her,” he said.

“I did too,” I mumbled, watching Liam stroke his jaw with his thick fingers. I wondered what it would be like to be touched places by him. He was too beautiful, too masculine. Isn’t it a crime to be that good-looking? He let that laugh slip, sending my stomach on a roller coaster ride.

No, stop. I can’t believe I’m checking my teacher out like this. I have a boyfriend and he is my professor. I swallowed a large lump in my throat and pulled my shirt away from my body. I was sweating like I’d been running a marathon.

“Sarah,” Tyler said, waving his hand in front of my face. He was leaning over his desk rail, staring at me, wide brown eyes worried. “Are you okay? I asked you a question.”

“Oh, sorry. I was daydreaming.” Understatement. “What did you ask?”

He frowned but asked, “Do you think Jamie would go out with me?”

Of course I do. I nodded. “Yeah, of course she would.” Tyler seemed like an okay guy. He was always polite, held the door open for people and made descent grades. Tyler wasn’t bad looking either, he had a strong jaw, pretty brown eyes and we built steady.

“Great, I can’t wait. I think I’ll--,”

“You talking over there,” Liam said, rather loudly. He had his finger pointed right at Tyler. “Your turn.”

Tyler furrowed his brow but started talking. Liam wasn’t paying any attention to him, I watched as he watched me. Tyler kept talking, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

“Great, thanks. Now, what about you Sarah?” Liam asked. How did he even hear what Tyler was saying? I couldn’t take my eyes off of his lips.

“Sarah?” he asked again, dipping his head lower, to hide a smile.

“Oh!” I said, swallowing the embarrassment from the class snickering beneath their breath. “Um. My name is Sarah. I grew up in Hermitage, about forty miles from here. My major is creative writing, and that’s about it.”

“How old are you?” Liam asked, cocking an eyebrow. Everyone is staring at us.

“Twenty two,” I mumbled, gnawing at my lip.

“How old are you?” some girl yelled from the back.

Liam smiled, and my breath caught in my throat. Damn. “Twenty six,” he said, rolling up his sleeves. The tattoos I’d seen from the night before show on his forearm.

“Nice tats, where’d you get ‘em?” some guy asked.

“Louisiana. Now, since we know each other pretty well know. Class is dismissed. We’ll pick up Friday. Plan on having your test next week.”

The entire class got up and started scurrying out of the door. I took my time picking up my books, looking at my desk and the floor.

I exited my row and feel Liam’s arm on my elbow before I can get out of the door. “Can you wait a second?” I nodded at the ground and waited

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