Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,4

to move. He wanted me to stay, enlist and go into the Marines like he had. That wasn’t me. It wasn’t what I was meant to do.

“Great for him,” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. “Look Mom, I have got to go, I have to get up early tomorrow.”

She sighed, loudly. “Okay, son. Call me in a few days. I love you.”

“Love you, too,” I said, pressing the End button. I tossed my phone on the end of the recliner and closed my eyes. It wasn’t long before I had fallen asleep.

“Mr. Downs, this is the Survey to Civ room,” Dean Spencer said, gesturing toward the room in front of us. He smiled, and pushed his glasses up his nose.

I walked in and tugged at my button-down shirt. It covered my tattoos nicely. I’d gotten them on senior trip, not thinking about jobs in the future. I wouldn’t be wearing any short sleeved shirts in front of the faculty anytime soon. The overhead was nicely positioned in the corner of the room, and there were around fifty desks total. As far as I could tell I was taking over Dr. Evert’s job, and he had a test scheduled for today. Damn, it’s the first week of school. None of his students knew that he was quitting, he didn’t want them to stop applying themselves before the new teacher, me, showed up.

“Does everything look okay?” Dean Spencer asked, hands in his pockets.

I nodded. “Sure thing. Everything looks great.” He had briefed me about everything last week over the phone. I glanced down at my watch. “Looks like I have fifteen minutes before my class gets here.”

Dean Spencer nodded and handed me a grade book. “This was the grades from Dr. Evert. You can copy them down and give this back to me whenever you get finished. They are mostly participation grades, and one bonus question before each class. Call me if you have any questions. Have a good day, Mr. Downs.”

I nodded and walked over to my desk. Nerves were racing underneath my skin. This was my first time teaching, I’d only graduated the year before. At twenty-six I was glad to have a job, the economy sucked. I unpacked my book, grade book and started to copy down the grades.

When I got to the last one, I heard laughter fill the hallway. I glanced up and noticed it was time for class. I shut the grade book, stood and leaned against the front of the desk, legs crossed at the ankles.

A few minutes later the room started filling up. Everyone stopped and checked the room number before walking in. I smiled to myself, then wrote you’re in the right room on the board. A few of the girls giggled to themselves, and most of the guys talked and I picked up on a few football players in the room.

When it turned eleven ten, I started toward the door but stopped dead in my tracks. “Sarah,” I mumbled, staring straight at her. Her mouth dropped opened, and she stared right at me. Her low cut shirt hung snuggly to her chest, and her jeans tight to her slender waist. Fuck. I quickly thought of dead puppies, rotten food and chair legs. I am not getting hard in class.

Her lips parted and she said, “Liam.” My dick jumped in my jeans. Damn it.


“Liam,” I mumbled again, not realizing I’d said it twice. My mouth was ajar, eyes wide and my books loosely in my grip. He was staring straight at me, a confused look on his face. I knew it was because he thought I was a teacher, and I didn’t get a chance to tell him different. I try to take my eyes off of his broad shoulders, his button down shirt stretched to fit them perfectly. My stomach tightens as his tongue darts out to wet his lips.

Liam clearing his throat brings me back to reality. “Hi, you can take your seat, Sarah,” he said, eyeing the classroom. I glance over at everyone, and all eyes are on me. Damn it.

“Of course….” I trailed off, making a quick dash toward my usual seat.

Tyler, one of Matt’s baseball friends, leaned toward me. “What the hell was that about, Sarah?”

I pulled out my book and bit my lip. “I met him yesterday at Java City, I didn’t realize he was a teacher.”

Tyler nodded, and turned his hat around backwards, causing his cowlick to stand straight up. “Yeah, dude doesn’t look like a teacher.”


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