Teach Me (Love Me) - By Alla Kar Page 0,36

kiss her. “I don’t want any more words.” She nodded and let me push her against the wall of the bathroom hallway.

I didn’t care who came up and saw us. I wanted her. I wanted to encircle her legs around my waist and take her hard and deep. Make her scream my name.

My hand was up her dress, stroking at her panties when I heard, “Sarah.”

We both turned to see Matt staring in the entranceway to the bathrooms.

Oh fuck.

“Matt,” Sarah said, pulling at her dress, but he wasn’t looking at her anymore, he was staring at me.

“You fucking sick prick.” He balled his hands into fist at his side. “You like to fuck your students. You get a rise out of it. You get your hands off my girlfriend.”

My jaw was twitching. I knew I shouldn’t hit a student, and could get fired but I wanted to lay his ass out on the floor. “Matt, I suggest you leave right now. I don’t want any trouble.”

He let out a bitter laugh. “Of course you don’t, you pussy. You want to fuck my girl and let me stand by and watch.”

“I’m not your girl, Matt. You fucked Jamie. It’s over. We’re over. I’ve moved on.”

Matt stared at her. “You’re fucking with me, right? He is your teacher! I will not have it. I’ll tell. Everyone will know in the morning and Liam will lose his job.”

“You had your chance, Matt. Now, step aside.”

Matt stepped forward, pushing me in my chest. God, no. Rage was running through me like lightening. “Don’t touch me again.”

“Matt get back,” Sarah warned.

He took another push at me, this time sending a punch to my jaw. I’m not gonna lie it fucking hurt. My jaw was throbbing but I stood there anyway. “Hit me, bastard!” he yelled.

I gritted my teeth together. “Hit me!” he screamed.

Unable to control my anger, I came back and knocked him in the jaw. He stumbled back over a potted plant and fell to the ground. His eyes were wide, and a streak of blood ran down his face. “What’s going on in here,” Dad said, rounding the corner.

Who I assumed was the manager, walked over and asked if we could leave. I didn’t ask any questions, only grabbed Sarah’s arm and drug her to the truck.

Chapter Fifteen


I sat in his truck while Liam talked to his parents. I could see the realization that I was his student on his mother’s face. She even gave me a few evil glances. I buried my head into my knees. Matt had been so outraged. He’d asked to be hit. He wanted to fight. And now everyone in Monticello would know about Liam and I. He would get fired, and I would be left to be the girl that fucked her teacher.

I groaned and pushed back the tears. When Liam slammed the door to his side I looked up. He was staring at me. “Well, they’re fucking mad. But, who gives a damn.” He started his truck and started back toward the apartments.

“You know he is going to tell, right?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“What are we going to do?”

He ran his fingers through his brown hair and sighed. “I have no idea. But, tonight, we’re going to make it worth it.”

Liam carried me into his apartment. He didn’t bother with Layla who was waiting for him. He laid me on the bed and covered himself over me. “Sarah, I’m sorry about all of this, but I don’t regret it. I care about you, I like you.” He kissed my jaw, and then my lips. I was breathless when he pulled away. “I probably won’t have a job much longer, but we’ll figure something out.”

A tear traveled down my face, but he wiped it away. “Don’t cry. Let’s be with each tonight, okay?”

I nodded. He attacked my lips with his own, and grabbed my neck, holding me down on the bed. His kiss was hot and demanding. I couldn’t do anything but let him take me. I wanted to keep him here with me forever. Tears were burning my eyes. I cared about him more than I cared about Matt, and I’d only known him a week. Most would call it lust, but I called it a connection. He looked so dangerous, tattooed and hard. But, he was one bad boy that would be good to me, one bad boy that wanted what he wanted and took it. One bad boy who taught instead of fought. One bad boy

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